Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1326: 1 Lao Yongyi.

1326: Once and for all.

The only foreign port in the disorderly zone is the port of Madoka, the most prosperous place in the entire disordered zone.

Here, with the most prosperous goods market, many of the things that have been eliminated in the center have been smuggled by profiteers to be sold to the local powers in the disorderly zone, and then they transport all the corners of the disorderly zone.

However, the market here is not safe, even dangerous. Unless you are a powerful foreign businessman, if you just want to get rich, the small business is likely to be transported here, and it will be swallowed by the forces here. Clean, leaving no residue.

When the horns entered Hong Kong and knew that the horns were full of goods, they were first conveyed to every force in the port of Madoka. They also began to investigate the pirate group that had never appeared before.

As long as there is no big force behind the horns, waiting for Ling Lan’s group is bound to be a storm.

"So high-profile, will it be too anxious, can't you first determine the strength of the forces here and then make a decision?" Luo Yang asked some questions about the heavens around him, but his eyes turned to the two people who were playing chess. There.

Tianfang did not say good-naturedly: "Ask me, how do I know?"

From the very beginning, Ling Lan ordered those who disembarked to inadvertently see their warehouses full of warehouses, and Tianfang knew that their heads had to do things, but why did they want to do this, he did not want to understand.

Ling Lan is still cold, and seems to be unaware of Luo Yang’s worries and confusion, but she put the fingers of the chess and gently tilted in the direction of Li Lanfeng.

When Li Lanfeng of Linglan saw this scene, he smiled and turned his head to Luo Yangdao: "We came to see you first, and we want to know exactly the distribution of power and strength here. It is absolutely impossible to find a few months of work. It’s too much a waste of time. It’s better to be so stunned. The first snake to come to the door, even if it’s not the strongest here, must be the most suitable for cooperation.”

Luo Yang nodded thoughtfully, and the heavens did not understand. He asked: "Why is the first snake the most suitable? Shouldn’t it be the most impulsive?"

"Captain, you can't judge the people here with the thought of the army. The disorderly zone can be a force of the other party. It is not simple. Here, it is the most prosperous zone of the disordered zone. It can even be said to be the link to the outside world. Do you think that the thirteen masters will ignore this?" Li Lanfeng’s mouth showed a smile. "The nominal control of the business forces, standing behind, I am afraid that is the thirteen masters. Of course, there is no other strong The princes. Of course, temptation is a must, but temptation is not the first snake I said."

"Can't you think that we are a solo traveller, there is no backing behind us, we send people directly to destroy us, and then eat our ships and goods. To be honest, my ship is more irritating than the goods in the warehouse." Tianfang is somewhat distressed. He was so successful that he was successful in reforming, and his body was full of weapons. He was absolutely arrogant and arrogant. It was just under the command of the head, and it became such a rotten appearance that he almost vomited blood. Fortunately, this is just disguise, and the powerful ones are hidden in Below this, let Tianfang mentally comfort a little.

"No." This time he answered him not Li Lanfeng, but Luo Yang.

Luo Yang is not the chief of staff of the horns. He was awakened by Li Lanfeng. Lenovo’s arrangement on the way to Linglan generally understood why Ling Lan had no fear.

Tian Fang looked back at Luo Yang and waited for Luo Yang to explain to him. Luo Yang continued: "The few airports that the boss has recently stayed in have used the colorful tokens."

"So as long as the other party checks, we can find out that the forces behind us are full of colors." Heaven understands, "The disorderly zone may not care about the United Nations, but you can't care about the adventure world."

"A place that has been blocked by the United Nations, if there is no adventure, who will bring them outside resources?" Luo Yang laughed. "So, without enough power to eat the adventure world, they would not dare to offend the adventure world. ""

"I was thinking, the reason why the head is closer to the disordered zone, the higher the tone, the original." The heavens understood everything. Linglan’s bureau was laid down long ago, including letting him take the token to repair the corner. number.

"I just want to do it once and for all." At this time, Ling Lan's cold voice came, and at the same time, a slamming sound, the sound of the crisp sound, "conduct."

Li Lanfeng turned his attention back to the board and saw that he was directly slaughtered by a dragon. He suddenly smiled and said: "I lost."

With Ling Lan on the chess, you can't be distracted at all, otherwise he will seize the opportunity and kill the killer. Now Ling Lan, the style of playing chess has become murderous. It is no longer the same as the past, and the game is all-in-one, and the whole thing is interlocked. In the end, you can’t hide, you can’t avoid it. The child admits to lose. Now, when there is an opportunity, I will break the fatal blow...

"When you play chess, you think too much." Ling Lan faintly said, "The new place, nothing more than two kinds, a steady and steady, slowly accumulate strength, a strong invasion, quickly occupy a seat. We don't have much time, and it's not suitable for then you can only go slant."

Speaking of this, Ling Lan slightly looked up, the light reflected on her face, the cold face of indifferent eyes, giving people an all-powerful grasp of the momentum, let Tian Fang Luo Yang have the illusion of wanting to admire.

"When the sword takes a slant, it is a game of life. Losing, we are defeated and won, it is our chance to officially invade the disorderly zone." Ling Lan coldly said, "Now, the first wave of temptation should come. Let Luo Lang prepare for the battle."

"Yes." The three men jerked up and led.

"I found out that it is a colorful person..." The news flew to the hands of the heads of the major forces stationed in Madoka.

"It seems that there are five colors and ten colors, and I can't help it. I want to take a slice of the disorder." The three kings in the adventure world finally couldn't help but shoot?

For this day, all the forces in the disorderly zone have such preparations, but they did not expect to come so suddenly, so that they have a feeling of being caught off guard.

"The question is coming, is it to cooperate or block it?"

Every responsible person has this problem in mind, where to go, representing their future relationship with the adventure world, and the relationship with the three kings.

"Five colors? Throw this bait, do you want to see if we can't get on the hook?" One of the heads of power, a smile on his lips, "I have to see, which idiot will not be able to stop shooting."

"Why, let's watch the movie?" the partner sitting next to him asked strangely.

"Yeah, look at the other party is not enough to let us end." The person in charge seems to smile, if the representative of this person is enough, it is not impossible to cooperate, but it depends on whether they have physical goods.

Ps: Today's state is not so good, only one more, tomorrow will be more. Also, I am sorry, for the new May to ask for a monthly ticket...

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