Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1325: Let him vent 1 time.

1325: Let him vent.

When the words came out, I saw that the beautiful woman’s mouth twitched, and the eyes showed that she wanted to kick the eyes of the boy who could not speak before, and the eyes were not seen.

"What about boys? If you grow up like this, isn't it for the benefit of us?" The man's mouth was opposite to a malicious smile. In fact, he knew from the beginning that the beautiful little girl was a boy, but since it was Going to the disorderly zone, is this unarmed goblin not the material to enter the restaurant? In this case, it is better to cheapen them earlier, so that they can take a nap to meet this boring journey.

Perhaps his attention was too concentrated on the beautiful ladies and teenagers. He didn't pay attention to the crew members who were attracted by them. When he heard this sentence, his face changed slightly, and a murderous smack flashed in their eyes. .

"You'd better be interested, otherwise, you don't know how to die." With the other party's voice, the four or five people who were with him were directly surrounded.

The middle-aged man who has already followed up has changed his face and quickly rushed over. He bowed his head and said: "I'm sorry, sorry, the child is not sensible. I will take him away immediately." After that, I wanted to drag my own nephew to leave.

Unexpectedly, his nephew looked soft and his temper was a little embarrassed. He violently broke the hand of his uncle and shouted: "I don't leave, it is my friend, I must protect him."

The middle-aged man’s face was burning with anger, and with a loud slap, a loud slap directly waved: “You don’t have anything, and say something big.”

The young man’s face is unbelievable, and he does not believe that his uncle who has always loved him will beat him.

The middle-aged man is very regretful and regrets that he used to protect him too well. This kind of temper can not survive in the disorderly zone.

"You give me back." The middle-aged man dragged the collar and dragged the boy back directly.

In this world of cannibalism, there is not enough power. Compassion is simply superfluous, or something that is easy to cause trouble. If it is, he does not mind giving this class to his nephew.

"Falling, falling." The young man struggled, but how to earn the uncle's iron palm, he could only turn his head and helplessly look down. He grew up with his uncle, changing places every once in a while, there was no friend at all. On this spaceship, this long journey made him inadvertently encounter the same lonely fall. Will he meet a few words, and from then on, he will fall into his own good friend. Now, this is only a good friend, can't he protect it?

At this time, the incomparable remorse of the young man, he was a waste by chance. If he could be stronger and had half of his uncle's strength, he might be able to protect the fall by his own strength.

The middle-aged Dahan pulled his own nephew back to his room. The gang who wanted to stop it, but was led by the gloomy man to stop it, let the middle-aged man take the person away.

Because the middle-aged man came out, although he was very embarrassed, he still gave him a dangerous feeling. They were so horrible and **** countless murderers, and they attached great importance to this intuition. If they were not forced, they would never want to get into it. Unexpected trouble.

When the middle-aged Han Han disappeared, this gloomy man recovered his eyes and fell to the abandoned Qing Li Jia.

"How are you going back to the room with us, or let me personally ask you to go?" The gloomy man was sullen.

The movement here has also attracted the attention of other guests, but these people know that things don't hang high, and eventually they take back their eyes indifferently and stop paying attention.

The beautiful woman heard the words, her eyes flashed, and then she laughed. This smile was so charming that it was just a beautiful feeling and suddenly became fascinating.

The gloomy man's eyes brightened, and he couldn't control his tongue. He just looked at the beautiful, and he just pulled back and vented it. Now it seems that he is lucky and meets a top good product, but this kind of charm is in The bed will definitely be a peerless thing.

"Since you are so enthusiastic, I can't refuse it." With a fascinating look at the corner of the eye, I looked at it and let the gloomy man get hot. Not only that, but his companions couldn’t control how many mouthfuls they swallowed. .

In the captain's room, Tian Fanghu had a face, and looked at him with a look of disappointment. He was closing his eyes and looking at his eyes. The boy who was cold: "Hey, would you like me to take him back?"

Since they are now pirate groups, what they call changed, he is the captain of the horns, and Ling Lan is the head of all of them.

Ling Lan opened her eyes and looked at the same thing that was happening on the screen. It was faintly said: "Let him vent it, or."

The death of Xie Yi, the attack on Luo Lang was too big. Before that, because of the tight escape, let Luo Lang not have time to think about this, but during this time, in the disorderly zone, let Luolang really have time to experience this. The pain also made his mood more depressed. On the surface, Luo Lang did not show a half point, still as usual.

But Ling Lan knows This is not a good phenomenon, sometimes it hurts to cry, but it is better. However, Luo Lang does not want to cry, then they can only find other channels of venting, and these people are not lucky.

Ling Lan did not care about the lives of these people. To go to the disorderly zone, there are really few good people. They are basically sinners who are hand-dyed with blood. In this case, let Luo Lang vent, it can be regarded as waste utilization.

Tianfang looked at Linglan, but quickly recovered it.

"Do you think that I am very cold-blooded, do not care about life?" Although Ling Lan did not look at the heavens, but Tianfang's every move but can not beat her.

"Those are sinners, and they die when they die. They are also for the heavens." Heaven does not think Linglan has any problems.

"I don't have this idea." Ling Lan chuckled. "Since I want to become a king, cheap pity will be a must."

"The Japanese battlefield has taught me too much, too much..."

"No matter what, head, you are always right." Heaven is faint.

These days, together with Ling Lan, he personally watched Ling Lan a little bit faded away from the last remaining innocence and blood, became a qualified person in charge, although some pity, but Tianfang himself had to admit, such Ling Lan, In order to let him rest assured, he can take them and shoot a heavenly collar in disorder.

During the time they talked, Luo Lang, who had not been in the room for a long time, came out with a smile.

Facing the patrol crew in the passage, he gently nodded his head, then walked to the lobby and looked at the dark sky outside the window.

Soon after, the patrol crew took two people to clean up the room. After I didn't expect to go in, there was nothing to trace. He suddenly thought of something in confusion and his face changed slightly. Soon people took it out. When they passed Luo Lang, they couldn’t help but look at Luo Lang and take a horror.

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