Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1321: emergency call.

1321: Emergency call.

When Li Lanfeng and others walked into their own interstellar cruises, Kun Ge informed the captain who had been on the cruise ship and was ready to depart.

"Let's go to the control room to see it." Li Lanfeng suddenly spoke. Li Lanfeng, who is good at imitating, imitates the voice of Li Yinfei. It also has similarities. If you don’t listen carefully, you can’t tell the truth.

Kun Ge looked at Li Yinfei stunnedly. Before, Li Yinfei did not like to contact the crew on the cruise ship. He thought that these were all rough men and they could not afford them.

"They have been here for so many days, it is very hard, I think I should say thank you." Li Lanfeng smiled softly.

Seeing that Li Yinfei finally figured out that he had to have a good relationship with the crew below, Kun’s heart was suddenly happy. You should know that the people who travel through the stars all year round are most afraid of offending the helm of the cruise ship and driving. In the past, Li Yinfei did not understand, looked down on these people, and looked high, not to mention how many people hated.

Li Yinfei's shortcoming is that she can perfectly disguise herself when she treats outsiders, and her face is approachable. I can face the work with her to fight the world, but I don’t hide her pride... Although it is a true nature, it can last for many years, and it is really not to be seen. His agent does not know to give Li Yinfei peace. How many contradictions, I barely let the team merge together.

In this way, Kun Ge took Li Lanfeng and his party and went to the cruise control room.

Going in, the atmosphere that was originally in full swing, suddenly a cold.

When the captain felt abnormal, he turned his head and looked over. He saw Kun Ge and saw Li Yinfei behind Kun’s body, and his brow was wrinkled.

"Old Kun, how come you are here." He smiled and stood up, greeted the past. When he looked at Kun Ge, he lost a look to him. He seemed to be asking, how come this trouble came over?

Kun Gehaha smiled: "Lao Lin, Miss said that you have worked hard, so come see you and express your gratitude to you."

When I heard this, Lao Lin’s eyes showed a strange color, looking at Li Yinfei, who had been gently laughing, and had no arrogance in the eyes.

Did a performance of the military celebrations make this proud lady know how to be polite and grateful to others?

Li Lanfeng did not seem to see the other side's surprise, calm and calm, to maintain a perfect gentle smile.

This mask, he has long been used to it. Even in the face of a few times strong, Li Jia's owner, his grandfather, he can guarantee that this smile will not collapse.

Seeing Li Yinfei under his gaze, the smile did not change, and the sincerity was maintained. The captain believed that Li Yinfei really came to thank them, instead of being persuaded by Lao Kun to deal with them.

The captain’s expression is a little slower. In fact, it’s really hard to have a bad feeling in the face of such a fairy-like appearance. However, Li Yinfei’s temperament is really bad, and slowly brings this face to them. The feeling of goodness eroded, and finally, let them forget this beautiful face, and only remember her inner annoyance.

Now, Li Yinfei has changed a little. He is a man who is used to the beauty of the world, and half of his feet step into the coffin. He feels that the things that Li Yinfei used to make people hate seem to be less annoying.

Ling Lan glanced quickly at Li Lanfeng in front, and his mouth was slightly tilted. This guy turned on the tempting talent and brushed the captain and the crew.

"You have worked hard during this time." Li Lanfeng thanked him.

Regardless of the expression sound, it is carried with sincerity and is clearly transmitted to everyone's eyes, in the ears, until the heart.

The crew members who had some stiff faces, with Li Yinfei’s voice, showed a smile on their faces, and looked at Li Yinfei’s eyes and became friendly.

Kun Ge saw Li Yinfei's performance so powerful, and suddenly said: "Yes, during this time, you have been here, there is no chance to go to the generals to act, you are wronged, and you have worked hard."

Captain Lao Lin heard the words, haha ​​smiled, and the big hand slammed the back of Kun Ge, saying: "Why are you so polite, everyone is together. In short, flight safety, let us be."

Li Yinfei nodded with a smile. She curiously looked at the crew members who were preparing for the takeoff. I was embarrassed to ask: "Captain Lin, can I visit a downstream wheel how to take off?"

The captain who has no bad feelings for Li Yinfei will certainly not refuse this small request that has no problem in his eyes. He waved his hand: "Oh, Miss Li, you can look at it casually. What do you want to know, you can ask them."

Upon hearing the captain's consent, Li Yinfei excitedly walked to the helmsman's side, and the cruise ship could quickly get out of the deck. The key to perfect take-off was to see the steering level of the helmsman.

And Luo Lang has switched to the ultimate cool personality, he went to the crew of the control engine.

Ling Lan, still standing behind Kun Ge, in fact, is behind the captain.

If the take-off is going well, the three of them will not shoot, but Ling Lan will not block their safety in luck, so they only look for opportunities to come to the control room. If there is change, they can also grab the control of the spacecraft. Right, personally control the spacecraft to leave the general star.

"Report, the power has been renewed, and the Ammi is ready to start."

After waiting for two or three minutes, I finally got the report full of power. Li Lanfeng subconsciously shook hands.

"Old Kun, do you leave now? Or wait?" Lao Lin asked the neighboring Kun, I don't know what other requirements they have.

"Don't wait, let's go, I want to see the scene of the cruise ship taking off." Without waiting for Kun Ge to answer, Li Yinfei looked back excitedly, because of the excitement, her cheeks showed a touching blush, and even let her The charm is soaring again, so that all the crew members who look at her have the illusion that their souls are sucked away by the other side.

Lao Lin coughed and fixed his mind and said: "If this is the case, then you are ready to leave."

"Mu Zi, contact the Airport Control Tower and tell us that we have to depart and let them arrange the track and derailment time."

"Yes, Captain." A crew member called Muzi quickly contacted the General Star Harbor Control Tower. Soon, the command tower gave the track and derailment time.

"Time is xx, xx. The track is the hkL93 channel." Muzi quickly reported his information to his captain.

"Well, all the crew, everyone." Captain Lin Lin became serious.

Derailing seems to be very simple, but if one is not mastered, it is very easy to have problems. Seriously, even if the cruise ship has the risk of losing control of the track checkpoint, the loss will be heavy.

Just then, the Airport Command Tower suddenly called for an emergency and requested a suspension of derailment.

Captain Lao Lin was shocked and had not ordered it. He felt a headache in his head and neck and then fell into a darkness.

Ps: The computer broke down two days ago. I got it back from the repair point tonight... I will have a more chapter tonight, and my mind is broken and crying! I will try to be a little more tomorrow, because there are things that will make you sad.

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