Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1320: pass.

132o: Passing.

Since his feelings can't be said clearly, he can only find ways to make Ling Lan get used to the intimate physical contact between the two. Li Lanfeng is very clear that Ling Lan does not like to be in contact with people. Even those little friends who grow up together cannot let him break the ban.

Li Lanfeng does not expect that she can enter Ling Lan's heart for a short time. He just hopes that Ling Lan will have no defense against the body he is willing to contact. It will be him.

Ling Lan put Li Lanfeng in a suspended wheelchair and then slowly pushed forward.

When I came to the security checkpoint, many people had already looked around.

Li Lanfeng elegantly revealed Li Yinfei's standard smile to them. This laugh made many staff members exclaimed uncontrollably.

They only think that the virtual pictures they see are so beautiful, and they are still too much worse than real people. Virtual video is not as beautiful as mortal, but it is still human after all, but at this moment, let them really feel that the nine-day fairy is coming.

Kun Ge just wanted to go up and saw Li Lanfeng’s smirk, but he also felt embarrassed. He felt that Li Yinfei’s smile was much warmer than before, and he was even more intoxicated. Even him, he also looked at it for a while.

How is this going? Kun Ge feels that Li Yinfei's charm value is different from the past, and he is more entrenched. He believes that as long as Li Yinfei keeps this charm, no one can resist it under the sun. When is it, what she wants, what else can she not get?

The surprised Kun Ge, once again looked at Li Yinfei, Li Yinfei's expression and movement, as usual, no difference. But today, the level of fascination has become completely different.

Li Lanfeng did not know the feelings of Kun Ge. This time, in order to pretend to be Li Yinfei, he carefully studied some of Li Yinfei's expressions and actions. It can be said that the scores are not bad, and they reach the point of perfection. Even Kun Ge, who has been around Li Yinfei, can't see the flaws. He only thought that Li Yinfei's charm value soared today. He didn't know that Li Yinfei had become another person.

"Li Xianzi, can you sign a name for me?" The staff finally couldn't help but gave up professional ethics and became a younger brother. They rushed to Li Yinfei and obsessedly made their own demands.

Li Lanfeng said warmly: "Okay, but only once, next time, you can't forget your duties."

The staff blushes and nods their heads, feeling that Li Xianzi, who is admiring himself, is really the kindest person in the world.

Li Lanfeng gracefully signed the name to the other party, and the signature is also a must. Li Lanfeng did not forget to fill this skill.

The staff satisfied with the signature book and returned to their jobs. The person who was slower behind, looked at him with envy and hate, but Li Yinfei reminded them that they were too embarrassed to rush to ask for a signature.

Li Lanfeng came to the security checkpoint and Li Lanfeng smiled at the camera.

At this time, the monitoring center is busy doing information proofreading for today's boarding personnel.

The staff in charge of Li Yinfei’s area saw Li Yinfei’s gentle smile and only felt that the small heart was severely slammed. For a moment, he did not know what to do.

After waiting for a while, there was no response from the security check. Li Lanfeng’s hand was cold and sweaty. He grievously raised his eyebrows: “Why, is this so slow?”

The staff couldn't bear to see Li Yinfei's heartbreaking grievance expression, and quickly contacted the monitoring center to wake the staff member.

The staff member also saw Li Yinfei’s distressed expression of grievances, and immediately annoyed why he had to drop the chain at this time, and the Li Xianzi was wronged. He quickly passed.

As for the face of Li Xianzi, can he still use it for proofreading? The staff believes that there is absolutely no second person in the world who has become a fairy **** like Li Xianzi.

"Thank you, we are a little nervous, we need to board the plane as soon as possible, and we may have to trouble you." Li Lanfeng showed a shy smile and asked for speed to speed up, and the staff was a little embarrassed to speed up the staff.

"Li Xianzi, your personnel information is simple and clear, you will not miss the time, please rest assured." The staff on the side hurried back.

Li Lanfeng nodded and signaled Ling Lan to push him in.

The monitoring center did not dare to delay Li Xianzi's time. He hurriedly looked at Ling Lan. He didn't think there was any problem. He quickly passed the pass. Would you like Li Xianzi to wait another minute or two?

The assistant followed up. At this time, she saw that the blanket in Luo Lang’s hand didn’t even cover Li Yinfei. She suddenly said anxiously: “Oh, my lady’s knee injury can’t catch cold. How do you stupidly hold this thing and not give it? Miss cover?"

Luo Lang was just awake as a dream, and he looked at the sound of a few sounds. He quickly went to the security checkpoint and looked anxiously at the two people who had entered the security checkpoint.

Luo Lang's anxious expression was too strong. The staff of the monitoring center also worried that Li Xianzi's condition would be delayed, and he did not seriously proofread. He looked at his eyes roughly and then passed.

Hearing through two words Luo Lang suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, he quickly bowed his head and flew over the blanket.

The assistant’s originally nervous expression suddenly came to a halt. She went to the security checkpoint and waited calmly for inspection.

Did not involve the needs of Li Xianzi, the staff immediately set the mentality, seriously checked the assistant, and now everything meets the requirements, this is only through the release.

Then Kun Ge, and eight bodyguards, according to the process, after repeated verification, only passed the security check.

At this time, the person in charge of the monitoring center, Chagang, came to him and saw that he carefully checked the various information of the last bodyguard and the three-dimensional appearance, and nodded with satisfaction.

He casually asked: "These people don't look like soldiers."

"Yes, it is Li Yinfei and her staff and bodyguards." The staff quickly reported.

"Ah, it’s Li Xianzi. Have you checked it carefully?" Li Yinfei is a well-known singer in the Federation. Although he is not as crazy as a young soldier, he knows it.

"Well, I have been proofreading seriously, no problem." The staff member replied, just now, in order to compete for time, his two assistants did not seriously proofread, just let go, but the person who can serve Li Xianzi close to him must have no problem.

The staff comforted themselves, because Li Xianzi or the assistant behind him, the agent Kun Ge, and the eight bodyguards, their information is accurate, he is very sure.

Besides, the above explanation, it is necessary to prevent the three people from sneaking into the smuggling, he just did not seriously check the two, this number alone does not match the number mentioned above.

The more the staff wants to be, the more they think, the more they think there will be problems.

When the staff member was confirmed, the responsible person did not doubt anything and went directly to the next staff member to check his work.

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