Chapter 130: Hard work!

Ling Lan broke the graduation record of his father's control, which made Ling Lan very surprised, but also very clear, this is just the result of an accident. If she is not familiar with the map of the assessment, she will be confident in the real-time pre-control mode, and it happens to enter the rare realm of heaven... her performance is actually similar to that of the cheetah mech controller. At most, one second is already a top performance. She can only be said that as a woman crossing her, she was directly hanged through the Great God.

However, this opening also made Ling Lan's handling ability and hand speed once again upgraded to an equal order. Ling Lan couldn't help but sigh again that the realm of the heavens was too far-sighted, so that its strength immediately rose in a straight line.

Ling Lan in order to thoroughly grasp the speed of the hand and the realm of the realm of the heavens, immediately choose to retreat, directly into the learning space to understand.

The realm of heaven and earth is not directly giving this ability to you, but it is only temporary to present the best state that I can currently achieve. If you want to really get this, you must rely on your own feelings and experience, and learn carefully. Otherwise, for a long time, the sentiment given by the realm of heaven will follow, and there will be no traces. At that time, the maneuvering ability and hand speed will return to the original point.

Ling Lan felt in the study space for nearly a month, but actually outside, only a few hours passed.

When Ling Lan came out from the virtual, the temperament of the body was faintly changed. The original force was somewhat compelling, and now it has converged some, not as cold as before.

In the past few years, Ling Lan has become more and more capable of fighting. The endless killing task in the learning space has also made her suffocating more and more strong. If Xiao 4 is desperately trying to help her suppress those **** suffocates, the weaker students will fundamentally There is no way to get close to her, and they are close to each other, and they can barely support the body and move.

Of course, such Linglan will certainly make the trainers and military surveillance personnel suspect that after all, there is no practical experience in the first grade to the third grade. Only in the fourth grade, will the hunting mission be carried out, and no real **** How can a child have such a strong **** suffocation?

However, as Ling Lan’s suffocation became more and more strong, it was more and more difficult for Xiaosi to suppress these suffocates. In the end, it was leaked a little bit. Fortunately, at that time, Linglan took the cold-faced squatting route, so it appeared. A cold and chilling atmosphere is also explained, which makes Ling Lan once again escape the suspicion of military surveillance personnel.

The convergence of Ling Lan's cold and imposing manners was the first to feel. He quickly greeted him with flowers. He had read it, and then he increased it. He tried to suppress it. The suspicion was in front of him, and they deleted. Once again escaped the crisis.

Ling Lan, who is in a good mood, also smashed a meal. The title of the big stomach king has not changed, and it has eaten more than before. It is no surprise that Ling Lan’s mother, Lan Luofeng, has not been deleted. When Linglan eats less, it is called a catastrophe, and the end of the world is here.

After a few more days, Ling Lan, who got a good news, began to be a little absent-minded. In the learning space, she began to count the comparison between the learning space and the time outside. This kind of behavior in Cao Ying’s heart was completely Annoyed the No. 3 tutor who was in the classy difficulty movement of Ling Lan's machine. He directly kicked Ling Lan out of the mech training space, leaving her alone outside the study hall.

Hey, don't want to learn, he still doesn't want to teach! The No. 3 tutor is decisive!

However, Ling Lan is no longer in the state today. In fact, there is also a reason. Because of the course she is looking forward to in the Scouting Center, it is finally coming today, that is, wild hunting.

This wild hunting is not to go to the forest, take the slingshot to shoot a few pheasant wild ducks, this boring thing, but for a full three months, go to an original planet for survival in the wild.

Of course, they are still ten-year-old children. The college will not let them go to any horror, and at most, they will go to the lower-level junior beasts to exercise. With Linglan’s current strength, they will deal with the low-level of combat slag. The beast, in fact, is no different from killing those pheasant mallards.

But... that's not the point, the point is that they are going to another planet, which means that Ling Lan can finally sit on the legendary spaceship h. This is the reason why Ling Lan is excited. Dear, do you understand?

In short, our earthen bun Linglan can finally take a real starship and travel to outer space. So she can no longer calm down, Jinghe

When we were in elementary school, when the teacher announced that she would go out for a spring tour for the first time, she was so excited that she couldn’t be stunned at night. Ling Ling saw that she was taken out of the mechs to study the space. Learning space. She took the contactor on the side of the stew, and looked at the time, hey, it was too early, it was only four o'clock in the morning.

However, Ling Lan couldn't sleep, directly smashed, put on his own contact, and once again checked his own bag:

Weapons: magnetic alloy daggers two! Ling Lan has always been a right-handed martial martial artist. In fact, her left hand is better than the right-handed martial arts. The ability of the left and right hands is learned from the No. 5 tutor. On the 5th, the left card is left. Always the strongest one of myself.

I heard that this time the college will also send a slap in the face as an emergency preparation. They will start learning in the third grade with the use of the bundle gun. Linglan’s shooting performance is not the top, but Han Jijun and Lin Zhongqing. Significantly more than him, the talent in shooting is amazing.

Therefore, this time, she also took a very secret weapon, which is the wrist ring specially prepared by Ling Qin Guanjia for her. Ling Lan took this ring on his right wrist very seriously and looked at the black belt. Point metal feel, ordinary but really decorative bracelet, nodded with satisfaction.

This is the kind of ultra-fine rope that Ling Qin Guanjia used at the time, which is strong and will not break, and is essential for killing, flying, and climbing. Ling Lan has this, and some dilemmas can be solved.

Of course, Ling Lan's package is more of a variety of flavors of nutrients, recovery agents and first-aid medicines. At this time, she is somewhat depressed. Why does the learning space have a storage function? Otherwise, she can take her own. What is needed, and not like to delete every item like this.

Because these must be carried with them, if they exceed the load of people, the hunting ability will plummet. When they are not hunting, they will be hunt by the beasts.

Ling Lan did not forget to bring a few necessary replacement clothes. At this time, she was glad that she had deleted a fake man. Because she was beaten to suppress the closed needle, her body was in an undeveloped state, so the accidents such as vacations She has nothing to do with it, she doesn't have to worry about this kind of thing, and she won't be attacked because of this danger in the wild, because the **** smell attracts the beasts...

In this way, repeated research, streamlining and streamlining, finally got their own bag, this time, the sky has been bright, Ling Lan quickly flushed a hand, and the spirit shook out of the door

When Ling Lan came to the four-year special class A, the hair was the last few, and the excitement was not just her one.

"Lan Boss, here!" A warm voice rang in a corner of the classroom. Ling Lan didn't have to look up and know who the person was. He could say hello so passionately, except for Qianlong, Lin Zhongqing, and Qianlong’s The noise door is louder and still quite different from this sound.

Lin Zhongqing followed Qianlong for two years. The original somewhat gloomy character seems to be gone. On the contrary, it is as enthusiastic as the beginning of school. It is full of smiles, but Ling Lan is very clear. This is just Lin Zhongqing’s external performance. It is not so simple.

However, Ling Lan does not remind Qianlong of them, because this is a matter between them, they are really good, only they know.

Ling Lan looked up and saw Lin Zhongqing standing next to his seat and waving to him.

Ling Lan facelessly walked over. As a girl, she really didn't know how these little boys communicated. They could only use this kind of image to deal with it. Anyway, this group of girls gave her this set.

"Lan boss, I bought breakfast for you." Lin Zhongqing smiled and picked up the box on the table and handed it over.

Ling Lan glanced at it and sent it to his back. They were sitting in their seats and holding the same box and squatting gracefully. Qianlong even sat directly on his desk, burying his head without any image. .

It seems that Lin Zhongqing is not alone. Ling Lan reached out and opened it. It turned out to be a gold dumpling that the college was very difficult to buy. It seems that Lin Zhongqing queued up early in the cafeteria. It is indeed a painstaking effort.

Ling Lan used a pair of chopsticks to move a few dumplings in the lunch box, faintly said: "Working hard!"

Ling Lan’s remarks were somewhat random, but Lin Zhongqing’s face showed a surprise, and he also looked up and suddenly looked up, and gently touched Lin Zhongqing with his elbow, congratulating him on finally getting Lan’s boss. Recognition.

It took two years to get this one.

The sentence is simple and hard, and Lin Zhongqing’s heart is full of enthusiasm. For a moment, I don’t know whether it’s hi or blame... At this time, a classmate’s rushing in and rushing in, also shouted in his mouth: “Large Event! Big event!" Wu Hao and Ye Xu are chatting side by side. When they heard this voice, they were shocked and quickly turned to look. Update is fast) "I am afraid that this time we have no hunting in the wild..." When the classmates came in, they told everyone a bad news, and all the students were a little bit flustered. They said that they waited for a long time, would they change temporarily? "What the **** is this? Where did you come from?" Seeing Qianlong did not ask, Wu Hao had to ask. Rs()

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