Chapter 129: Missed?

The next day, Ling Lanxing hurriedly boarded the virtual world, quickly selected her rabbit armor and came to the Mech Fighting Hall, ready to find the cheetah mech controller to tell the other good news. Oh, she can finally say goodbye to the basic manipulation.

However, she soon became shocked. If there was an analog animation, she could see the rabbit armor shaking from head to toe, and the creeps were gone.

It turned out that Ling Lan inadvertently opened the mech picture, and saw two **** holes staring at her in a faint manner. The **** hole was too dark in the space hole, let Ling Lan suddenly numb the scalp.

"Oh, why are you yelling at me!" Ling Lan burst, and jumping directly is punching and kicking.

I saw a rabbit with a carrot slamming the cheetah on the ground, and this very loving scene made the rookie around me curiously watched, this legendary rabbit leopard What are the combinations doing?

The cheetah reluctantly used the front and rear claws to block the rabbit's sprinkling, and said: "Don't worry, I have something to tell you."

Huh? He also has something? Ling Lan stunned her carrots and put them in the mouth of the rabbit, then squatted directly next to the cheetah, waiting for the other party to speak.

The cheetah was silent, and this was awkward: "I just want to tell you that I have to go to the graduation exam today." The cheetah said that he told Ling Lan that this time he would choose to graduate from the mech training hall and enter the real Going in the mech world.

The cheetah controller actually feels that he is very sorry for the rabbit mech controller. If it is not because of the rabbit controller, he can't make such great progress in the mech control. After this period of practice. He has fully realized why the basic control is so important. He is very grateful to Ling Lan, and this gratitude. Let him not let go of his initiative to leave.

what? So clever? She wants to leave, and the other party has to leave. There is a feeling in Ling Lan. The tacit understanding between her and the controller of the cheetah mech is a bit sinister.

"Oh... I would have liked to say that I am going to take the graduation assessment." Linglan was surprised because she paused for a few seconds before she said what she wanted to tell the cheetah mech controller.

However, this strange second few seconds, let the cheetah controller have other ideas, he thought this is Linglan wants to let him release and deliberately said comfort. It is important to know that it is still difficult to break the graduation assessment records completed by Ling Xiao. The cheetah controller has always believed that the reason why Ling Lan stayed in the mech training hall. Just to complete this task. Even he once suspected that this was the mission of Ling Lanshimen...

Therefore, Ling Lan suddenly changed this decision, saying that he also had to participate in the graduation assessment. In the eyes of the cheetah controller, this was obviously for him, and he could not help but touch his heart.

Such a good teacher and friend, but because of his commitment to Grandpa, can not reveal his true identity and face... The cheetah machine has more and more shackles in his heart, and he is getting stronger and stronger.

"I'm sorry!" All the emotions. In the end, it can only be condensed into the most common three words.

"I am telling the truth..." Ling Lan was speechless, dear, you think too much.

"Because of some things in the real world, I have to leave the mech training hall to go to the mech world. I am sorry."

"Actually, I really didn't tell lies..." Ling Lan scratched her head in a depressed manner, so she didn't believe what she said.

"I know! Thank you!" The cheetah controller slammed Ling Lan's words. I thanked her seriously and did not wait for Ling Lan to answer. I chose to enter the graduation assessment...

Seeing that the whole figure of the cheetah mech that chose to escape in an instant because it could not resist the embarrassment disappeared, Ling Lan almost angered the table: hehe. Bastard! Can't you listen to her and then go?

For a long time, Ling Lan suddenly calmed down and laughed. She first discovered that the original cheetah controller was so stubborn, and this guy was too brain-filled.

However, Ling Lan’s heart is also a bit faint. After all, the cheetah mech controller is the first person in the world to have friends. It’s a pity that the timing of the two meets is not appropriate. They hide their true identity. In the end, it can only become the most tacit stranger.

"Small four, go and see his results." Ling Lan did not want to disturb the assessment of the other party this time, especially on the premise that the other party had a feeling of embarrassment, which made Ling Lan somewhat pity, saying that she really wanted Gathered with the cheetah mech.

Soon, Xiaosi told him the final score of the cheetah mech, only less than 2 seconds of the record, and this achievement, he successfully entered the fifth place in history.

Finally, Xiao Si told Ling Lan that the other party’s true brain wave really disappeared in this mission space. That is to say, he did leave the world of the mech training hall and entered another virtual space.

Xiao Si asked Ling Lan if he would continue to track the other person's virtual space. Ling Lan thought about it but refused directly. As she initially thought, the timing of the two meets is not appropriate. It is impossible to get along with the real identity and how can this friendship continue.

"It's a pity, if there is him, the boss's manipulation on your mech will progress faster." Xiaosi always stood in Linglan's favorable place for her to consider.

"You have to know that gold will shine one day." Ling Lan is unpredictable.

What does the boss mean by the horse? Xiaosi stunned, and the words of Baidu’s boss were quickly changed. The original boss means that the other party can never escape the boss's palm, the boss v587!

Ling Lan ignored the misunderstanding of Xiaosi, directly chose the graduation assessment, and entered her task space. She secretly cheered: "Can you lose to the kid!"

Numerous times of assessments made Ling Lan almost passed the map of all the assessments. This time, it happened to be the map that Ling Lan had previously assessed. Ling Lan closed his eyes slightly, and every obstacle in the assessment task was clear in Ling Lan. Presented in my mind...

The mech sounded the last few reminders of the assessment. At the last two seconds of the countdown, Ling Lan opened his eyes. In the eyes, the light flashed instantly.

At the beginning of the sound, I saw Ling Lan’s rabbit armor smashed out like a blast. It leaps and dances in those irregular obstacles. Such as a glimpse of light, when the time is hidden.

In the control cabin, Ling Lan looks surprisingly relaxed, even half-squinting, the finger waving is not as quick as it used to be, but rather a little casual, sometimes unintentionally brought out layers of layers, let your hands look like Beautifully dancing, she danced a beautiful chapter of her.

Unconsciously. Ling Lan used the immediacy pre-control mode, because the map is clear, Ling Lan's pre-control is very logical, and Ling Lan has also entered a man-made situation of manipulation, so that the shock of the fourth is also happy Linglan Good luck.

This situation clearly proves that the control level of Ling Lan boss has to go up a step. Perhaps, this time I finally reached the minimum hand speed that my father asked...

“Congratulations, you have successfully created a new record! The Second World will make a worldwide announcement. Is it open or anonymous?”

Xiao Si saw Ling Lan still immersed in the insight of the manipulation. He quickly helped Ling Lan choose anonymity, although even if he chooses to open his name, no one will find the real body of Ling Lan boss, but there is always some risk. Xiao 4 always remembers Ling Lan’s words and does everything. Protect yourself first.

After the selection of the fourth, in the virtual world, all the online people heard a voice from the main system: Congratulations **** successfully created the mech base to control the new graduation results! Jiangshan has talents. The calm world has finally ushered in the age of the times!

Everyone heard it, and people who knew the combination of the rabbit leopard armor speculated whether one of them broke the record. Some people are even excited to go offline. Use real-life liaisons to practice the friends who are still training in the mech training hall.

However, the news was that they did not know, and several of them happened to have reviewed the list of assessments during that time. No rabbit armor and cheetah mech were found.

Originally, in order to ensure the secret, Ling Lan’s assessment, Xiao Si will exclude Ling Lan from the viewable options, that is, no one can see Ling Lan’s assessment.

Only the cheetah mech is known. In fact, the cheetah mech controller heard this system announcement. His first reaction was the rabbit armor. He randomly smiled: "You can already graduate and leave." I have been staying in the training hall, I am afraid to wait for me. But in the end I still let you down." He was so sad that he chose to leave the mech world.

In the private manor, the butler was patiently waiting for his grandfather to go offline, but he did not see the opening of the login cabin. He seemed to think of something. He quickly rushed to open the login cabin from the outside, but saw the beautiful lying inside. The teenager is crying silently.

"What's wrong, Big Master? Is there something happening?" The housekeeper was nervous. He knew that his young master was a strong child. He used to be in poor health. Even if the pain is unbearable, he will laugh at people and never cry. Loss.

The beautiful teenager opened his eyes, and the eyes that had always been firm and clear became somewhat confused. Just when the butler wanted to make another inquiry, the beautiful boy suddenly asked: "The big housekeeper, why should the grandfather let me be twenty years old? Let others know my true identity and true content? Why?"

If it weren’t for this promise, he wouldn’t choose to leave the rabbit armor controller, and he wouldn’t feel the heartache. It’s such a sad thing to lose big housekeeper opened his mouth. Finally, it turned into the same sentence: "Young Master, you will know it later!"

"After? Oh, sometimes, if you missed it, you missed it... Big butler, you know? Just now, I missed the most important friend of my life!" After this sentence is finished, the tears fall silently again. His expression is somewhat wronged, but more is the grief that cannot grasp his own destiny. Only at this time, his performance is like a 13-year-old child. (To be continued.)

Ps: Right to the finger, whispered: Is there a pink ticket for rice? Even the editors made a request, let me fight for the first place in this month's classification of pink... I feel Alexander!

However, the editor has a requirement, and I always have to stand on the lid, so I will greet you here. If you have a ticket, please hold a ticket. If you don’t have a ticket, you will have a personal field. The little girl is polite. Dan said that the blank is not afraid of the death of you, wow!)! ! !

Thank you for the pink support! Thank you for listening to the song, leisurely and leisurely, unintentional dream seeker, the wandering big devil's peace symbol reward support! Thank you for the fallen leaves. ()

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