Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 996: Hug of love!

Xiao Chen looked at the Seven Daughters, their strengths have all undergone earth-shaking changes, I am afraid they have reached the level of the titled immortal emperor.

Even Xiao Chen felt a little emotional, the spirit body is indeed strong.

Xiao Chen glanced at them, then suddenly grinned and said, "My wife, I haven't seen you for a long time, do you want to have a loving hug?"

"Little bastard, are you courageous?" Xia Ruoxi quipped, but she was the first to give Xiao Chen a hug.

The others who looked at were speechless.

One person gave Xiao Chen a hug, but the other strong men in the valley were all angry.

"Who is that kid, who actually embraced several deputy suzerains!"

"No, I want to hack him to death, he actually hugged my Goddess Ruoxi."

"I want too, he hugged my Qinghan goddess!"


Yanai was in a mess, and all members of the Xuanbing team were roaring angrily.

Xiao Chen looked at the angry members, really afraid that they would rush over and chop him.

At this moment, there were fluctuations in the air, and two old men stepped out, and then the silhouette of the Sirius family appeared in the valley.

"Participate in the elders of the Supreme Supreme, and participate in the deputy masters!" The two elders saluted respectfully, and the other Sirius clan also lowered their heads slightly.

"You two are polite." Xiao Chen said. The two old men in front of him were the two Sirius who had guarded the Heavenly Star Valley. Xiao Chen felt the heavy pressure from the two elders, and he could not see the strength of the two elders. Worthy of being a family of sacred beasts, there is nothing to say about this increase in strength.

"Xiao Chen, you are finally here." Sirius King stepped out, and Xiao Chen discovered that Sirius King had actually reached the Eighth Level of the Immortal Emperor.

This made Xiao Chen's gaze tightened, his strength increased fast enough, but compared with them, he was still far behind.

"As expected of the Sirius clan, your strength has improved so fast!" Xiao Chen sighed.

"You are not slow." Sirius King said.

A word from Sirius King made Xiao Chen burst into tears.

"You come with me, and I will take you back to the Star Palace."

Xiao Chen spent his pit celestial value and purchased the deputy sect master token and disciple token, and then everyone urged the token to come to the Heavenly Star Palace.

In front of the Tianxinger statue in the Tianxing Hall, when Xiao Chen and others appeared, all the members of the Tianxing Hall greeted him.

Immediately afterwards, the tenth palace, except for the dark palace and the holy palace, all the other eight palaces were activated, and the Heavenly Star Hall suddenly doubled.

Everyone was shocked as they watched the expansion of the Heavenly Star Palace, but what surprised Xiao Chen was that he received a lot of rewards.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Chen urged the token of the Supreme Elder, went back to Star City, exchanged tokens for the five vice-chairmen of the Tiange Vice-Pavilion Master, and asked them to open the Five Great Pavilions instead of a few little girls.

Under the order of Chu Yunmeng, the members of the Xuanbing Legion had all become Ice Palace disciples.

Except for the disciples who were already in the Heavenly Star Hall, everyone else was looking at the Heavenly Star Hall in shock.

Xiao Chen glanced at the pit immortal value on his body and the sect building.

For top-level sect buildings, the power of the super god-level forbidden law'Sky Star's Wrath' will be greatly increased, the cultivation speed will be greatly prompted, and the teleportation opportunities of outer disciples will also increase, and their lives will also be protected.

The Star Continent has a steady stream of strong people who come to the fairyland through the teleportation array. Although they are the top powerhouses in the Starland Continent, they are only the weakest in the Xianyu. With the protection of the Heavenly Star Palace, they can also get more survival. opportunity.

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