Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 995: Seeing several deputy suzerains!

"Okay." Luo Qingwu nodded. The next moment, the five people disappeared, and the strong man who had just rushed over looked at each other.

"Find them for me, even if you search through the ancient battlefields, you will find them for me." The roaring voices of Chu Wantu and the Lu Family powerhouse resounded throughout Lu Yucheng.

The big wedding of the two families caused a kid to leave with the bride swaggering, which is a shame for the two families.

Although there was only a short period of time, it was enough for all the strong to remember Xiao Chen's name and appearance and dare to disrupt the marriage contract between the two ancient races. This was the first person.

Many forces are investigating the origins of Xiao Chen, while also paying attention to the movements of the two ancient clans.

But none of this had anything to do with Xiao Chen and the others. After leaving Lu Yucheng, Chu Yunmeng asked the other three to leave first, and Chu Yunmeng took Xiao Chen and the two to leave alone.

A day later, Chu Yunmeng took Xiao Chen to an uninhabited island.

Afterwards, Chu Yunmeng took Xiao Chen into a secret realm.

"where is this place?"

Xiao Chen looked around and found that he was in a huge valley, and the aura of heaven and earth here was much richer than the ancient battlefield.

"This is an unowned secret realm. All of them are here to retreat. The real Profound Ice Legion is also here. The war will rise, and it is time for them to leave."

Chu Yunmeng's voice fell, and his cold voice rang in the secret realm.

"Xuanbing Legion is assembled!"

When the voice fell, there was a strong breath coming, and then a group of figures appeared in the valley.

Not long after, hundreds of people gathered in the valley. What shocked Xiao Chen was that half of the hundreds of people reached the level of the immortal emperor, and the strongest had reached the sixth level of the immortal emperor.

Xiao Chen really couldn't understand how Chu Yunmeng had recruited so many powerful people in a short period of time.

Suddenly, Xiao Rou in a green dress appeared in the valley. When she saw Xiao Chen beside Chu Yunmeng, she immediately threw herself into Xiao Chen's arms.

"Brother Xiao Chen, I finally saw you." Xiao Rou said excitedly, her face full of joy.

"Girl, I'm so big, I don't know how shy, there are many people watching."

Xiao Chen stroked Xiao Rou's hair. Having not seen her for so long, Xiao Rou was much maturer than before, and of course she was also much bigger.

"I don't care, I like Brother Xiao Chen's embrace." Xiao Rou said coquettishly, she didn't care at all, but the other strong people in the valley were completely dumbfounded.

At this moment, there were a few more piercing noises. Duanmu Qinghan, who stepped on the Nine Heavens Divine Phoenix, and Xia Ruoxi, who stepped on the water unicorn, came together, attracting everyone's attention.

Then a nine-tailed Firefox with three tails came with Cheng Qingling domineeringly.

Shangguanying and Chang Qianqian were sitting in the flying **** tiger and also appeared in the valley.

Finally, Mu Qingxuan appeared in the valley under the power of thunder.

Suddenly, the valley was vying for beauty, and the powerhouse of the Xuanbing Legion looked at the eight women who were about the same, almost unable to see it.

"Msang Gong, Xiao Chen!" Shangguanying and Chang Qianqian came to Xiao Chen's side and said with some excitement.

"Yeah, little villain, you are finally here." Xia Ruoxi looked at Xiao Chen, "Xian Huang Sanzhong, how did you mess with?"

Duanmu Qinghan stood beside Xia Ruoxi, just watching him quietly.

Cheng Qingling glanced at him, but ignored it.

Mu Qingxuan said quietly, "You are here."

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