Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 983: Escaped!

The next moment, the alien turned around and ran away, because he found that his power of rules actually felt burnt, and he had a feeling of heart palpitations, so he turned and ran away without hesitation.

Seeing the alien race ran away, everyone else was a little dazed, and the alien race who was not afraid of death would even run away.

It turns out that those alien races are not invincible, they are also afraid and run away.

Chu Yan'er looked at Xiao Chen dumbfounded, and it was hard to imagine that the two three-tiered immortal emperors would die and escape.

In fact, Xiao Chen's ability to perform such a feat is also due to luck. The foreign race would not have thought that Xiao Chen would have a killing sword that ignored the defense. As for the wounded foreign race, he should be frightened.

"How did you do it?" Chu Yan'er appeared beside Xiao Chen, her eyes full of brilliance.

"I have some methods, but I have used them up. It is impossible to deal with the Emperor Xian in a short period of time, even if the Emperor One Heavy is impossible," Xiao Chen said.

"No matter what, you are now famous in World War I. No wonder your cousin will fall in love with you." Chu Yan'er smiled.

"If you let the powerful aliens know, I'm afraid I will become their thorn in the eye, stabbed in the flesh." Xiao Chen smiled bitterly, and then his face changed, "I am afraid it is too late."

High in the sky, Qi Nishang and the immortal emperor's five-tier alien race obviously had no winners or losers. The immortal emperor stayed on Chu Yan'er and Xiao Chen for a while, then turned and disappeared.

"That alien race has reached the fifth level of the immortal emperor, and the strength of the rules is also 5.5. It is similar to mine. We must be careful. I am afraid that the alien race will send a stronger strong person." Qi Nishang fell beside the two, a little dignified. Said.

"Let's leave here first," Xiao Chen said, and then took the fairy puppets and took everyone out of here.

"Are those seniors the immortal emperor strong?"

"It must be a strong immortal emperor, but I don't know which ancient city it is."

"Let's leave first, the alien race has died so many people, I'm afraid they will send more powerful men."

After Xiao Chen and the others left, they talked a lot, and then left in a hurry.

Soon after, Xiao Chen and others appeared in a cave, and everyone looked at Xiao Chen with some excitement.

Xiao Chen looked at the things in the warehouse and distributed the exploded rewards, as well as some blood fragments from the mission rewards, to everyone, and then took out the exploded rule power fragments.

The power of the rules exploded by the four immortal emperors killed by Xiao Chen were all earth attributes.

"Qi Nishang!"

Hearing this, Qi Nishang, who was about to refine the bloodline fragments, looked over.

"This is for you!" Xiao Chen handed Qi Nishang the fragment of the power of the rule, "Do you think this thing can be refined?"

"This is the power of rules?" Qi Nishang said in shock. She sensed a familiar aura inside. Upon hearing her words, Chu Yan'er and others looked over in an instant.

"It is indeed the power of rules, you see if it helps you." Xiao Chen laughed.

"Yes, Master!" Qi Nishang took over the power of the rules, his face was full of excitement, and then began to refine.

Time passed, everyone was refining, only Xiao Chen looked at everyone bored.

Five days later, except Qi Nishang, everyone else has opened their eyes, and their strength has improved a lot. Everyone is looking forward to Qi Nishang.

At this moment, Qi Nishang suddenly felt powerful aura fluctuations. Looking at Qi Nishang, there was excitement and excitement on everyone's faces.

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