Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 982: Cut again!

When the remaining alien races saw the explosion of the two immortal emperors, they were so frightened that they did not dare to chase them out.

Xiao Chen quickly appeared near the battlefield of Chu Yan'er and the two foreign immortal emperors. At this time, Chu Yan'er was in a bad condition, and her injuries were not light. The foreign race's rule power was originally stronger than her. There was another person who kept attacking nearby. If she hadn't been faster, she might have died under the siege of two alien races.

Xiao Chen didn't waste time either, a sword of light slashed towards the injured Immortal Emperor Sanzhong from a distance.

The injured Immortal Emperor felt that the attack was coming, and completely ignored it, and continued to attack Chu Yan'er. He knew that as long as he took Chu Yan'er in front of him, other humans would not be afraid.

A sword Ling Tian cut on the back of the immortal emperor and was blocked again.

"Human kid, wait for this emperor to be the first to kill you!" The alien glanced at Xiao Chen indifferently, Senran's icy eyes were full of killing intent. Although he has no time to kill Xiao Chen, it doesn't mean he doesn't. Will be angry.

Being provoked by an ant is an insult to the strong, and he has even thought for a while whether or not to eat this kid raw.

Xiao Chen ignored his threats, just kept attacking.

The alien was a little annoyed by the harassment, and looked at Xiao Chen indifferently.

"Don't pay attention to him, first cooperate with me to take down this human." Another immortal emperor blasted a punch and said coldly.

"Hmph, this emperor must swallow you humans alive!" The injured Immortal emperor roared, and a round blade slashed directly at Chu Yan'er.

Chu Yan'er held the sword to block the punch, but was cut into her body by the blade. She was instantly blasted out by the powerful force. She opened her mouth and sprayed blood, which dyed the sky red.

"She is injured, take her down!" The two aliens were overjoyed and killed Chu Yan'er directly.

At this moment, Xiao Chen's left eye flashed a weird red light again, and Xiao Chen pointed the remaining thirty killing swords at the uninjured immortal emperor powerhouse.

After the alien sense knew Xiao Chen's attack, a hint of chill flashed across his face, but he ignored it either, just stepped up to attack Chu Yan'er.

However, the thirty killing swords completely ignored the defenses of the foreign race, and instantly pierced his body through multiple holes. The killing sword passed through, and the body exploded in an instant. The soul appeared on the side with a **** expression.

The Slaughter Sword is extremely domineering, but it is a pity that the Slaughter Sword in the body has been exhausted.

At this moment, whether it was the person watching the battle from a distance, or the wounded alien, even Chu Yan'er was stunned.

A fairy emperor chopped the body of the strong immortal emperor, how could this be possible?

They were in shock, but Xiao Chen didn't have it. A huge fireball appeared in his hand and went directly to the injured alien.

"Emperor Yan!"

The terrifying flames turned toward the alien race, and the alien race's face changed slightly. He still doesn't know how the immortal emperor powerhouse died, and he didn't dare to hold it large, and hurriedly mobilized the power of the rules to block him.

"Nether Fire claims to be nothing else, and I don't know if it can cause harm to that alien race." Xiao Chen's eyes were a little solemn, he added the Nether Fire to the Emperor Yan, and he didn't know how powerful it was.


A terrifying explosion sounded instantly. Seeing that Chu Yan'er was hiding far away in an instant, the Yuanshen also hurriedly dodged, but he had lost his body, did not run out at all, and died directly in the explosion.


After the terrifying explosion, the alien immortal emperor appeared in front of everyone, but now he was extremely embarrassed, and his body was burned everywhere.

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