Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 954: Give you a great luck!

"The East is undefeated, in the name of Leng Family, this seat orders you to take action together." Leng Sheng said solemnly.

Dongfang's undefeated face changed, looking at Leng Sheng, a sharp expression flashed in his eyes, "What qualifications do you have to order this emperor?"

"Presumptuous, do you want to resist the Leng Family?" Leng Sheng said with a gloomy expression after hearing this.

"Hahaha, although the Leng family is one of the three ancient tribes, the strength of the Chu family is much worse than that of the Lu family. The big deal is that the Eastern family quit the Immortal Domain Alliance and join these two families. What about your Leng family? "

Unbeaten in the East was not scared by Leng Sheng's threat, but directly sneered.

The Leng Family was indeed powerful at the beginning, but after they came into contact with stronger forces, they naturally wouldn't regard the Leng Family as a god.

"Hey, the East is undefeated, come to our Sky Star Sect, I promise you will not regret it." Leng Sheng hasn't spoken yet, Xiao Chen has already sent out an invitation again. He is very important to the blood of the mad ape. The bloodline is the strongest force in the victory. Although I don't know how it will fall on the Eastern family, its strength is really strong.

"Boy, this emperor is very curious, what qualifications does your Sky Star Sect have to recruit this emperor?" Dongfang undefeated looked at Xiao Chen and asked. In fact, he observed for a long time, as the emperor realm appeared, Xiao Chen behaved He was too calm, as if he was not afraid of Emperor Immortal, and the Guild Alliance's resolute protection of Xiao Chen made him full of curiosity.

"Qualification?" Xiao Chen said with a smile: "Such things are never needed by the Sky Star Sect. Following this sect, this sect can give you and your Eastern family a great fortune. As for how to choose, you still need to consider it carefully."

Xiao Chen looked at Dongfang Invincible lightly, his expression was flat, Dongfang Invincible rarely refuted, and fell into silence.

"Hahaha, a fairy goddess, his tone is not small, you won't really believe his words if the East is unbeaten." Leng Sheng laughed.

The Oriental Unbeaten was silent.

Leng Sheng continued: "Moreover, don’t forget that the strongest alchemist, weapon refiner, formation mage, inscription master, and beast master in the immortal realm are all in my Leng family. Even the Lu family and the Chu family need My Leng family’s strong man helps. Do you think the Lu and Chu family will turn their faces with my Leng family because of a small Eastern family?"

As soon as this statement was made, the expressions of the Invincible East and the presidents instantly sank. The Leng family has mastered the most advanced vice-professional techniques, especially the medicine pill. Every emperor pill has a fatal attraction to the powerful emperor realm. Power, and only the Leng family can refine the Emperor Pill, even Xiao Feng cannot refine the Emperor Pill.

Looking at the expressions of several people, Leng Sheng sneered, and Tian Xuan and Chen Kun also sneered on their faces.

"But after learning some furs, I dare to claim to be the strongest, but just a bunch of rubbish."

Xiao Chen's disdainful voice sounded directly, Dangu and Qigu were a great power in the immortal world, and the ancestors of the Leng family were only the abandoned disciples of Dangu, and everyone else was also the abandoned disciples of each valley.

Xiao Chen's words directly caused an uproar.

The triumphant expression on Leng Sheng's face stiffened directly on his face, and the next moment his expression became extremely cold, "Do you dare to insult my Master Leng family?"

"Insult Master Leng's family? Don't be funny, well, your ancestors of Leng's family are just some abandoned disciples. After only learning a few furs, you are complacent. You are worthy of being the strongest?"

Xiao Chen sneered.

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