Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 953: President Qi Xian!

"Threatening you, you also look at yourself too much. Even if your Leng family is strong, my guild alliance will not allow you to bully." It was not Gao Yang who answered Leng Sheng, but a slightly younger female voice.

With the sound of this female voice, a violent tiger roar resounded across the sky, and then, a black tiger with a dark body and a violent aura appeared in front of everyone, and on top of the black tiger sat a The dignified and elegant woman in white is looking at Leng Sheng coldly.

"Dark Devil Tiger, Yu Guang, president of the Beast Controlling Guild!"

Dongfang Undefeated said again, looking at one person and one tiger, his heart was extremely solemn, not only him, Tian Xuan, Chen Kun's complexion was also extremely solemn, although Yu Guang looked dignified and elegant, but his strength was indeed extremely strong, adding the same The dark demon tiger in the realm of the immortal emperor, even the immortal emperor triple can also fight.

"Hahaha, my wife, what you said is too right. Of the three ancient families, the Leng family is the weakest, but the most arrogant. I really don't understand, what qualifications do they have to be so proud!" Then there was a loud laughter, one A small, but very handsome middle-aged man appeared beside Yu Guang, looking at Yu Guang with admiration.

"Fuck, Zhao Changfeng, you dare to say that I am your wife, believe it or not, I let Huhu eat you." Yu Guangjiao said angrily, and the dark demon tiger under him yelled at Zhao Changfeng not to be outdone!

"Anyway, I will definitely catch you!" Zhao Changfeng looked up at Yu Guang and said firmly.

"Zhao Changfeng, the president of the Inscription Guild, has also appeared, and the five leaders of the Guild Alliance have gathered. This is only a hundred years away!" Long Hao, Leng Hao and others have been completely numb in the distance. However, there were twelve people unexpectedly today. If the Dark Devil Tiger were added, they would be 13 immortal emperors.

"Are you trying to oppose my Leng family?" Leng Sheng's expression was very ugly, and one after another stood up and opposed him, making him feel very embarrassed.

"It's not that we are against the Leng family, but you are deceiving too much!" Gao Yang looked at Leng Sheng coldly, and at the same time, the three presidents all came to Xiao Feng's side.

"You have to protect that kid too. He killed my Leng family. Do you think he can survive?" Leng Sheng pointed at Xiao Chen and said indifferently at several people.

The Dongfang Undefeated looked at Xiao Chen, with a puzzled look in his eyes, who the **** was this kid who would invite five presidents to come forward.

"He, we are in Baoding, and we are not convinced to fight!" Liehu said directly, with the black ax on his shoulders. At the same time, Xiao Feng also clenched the fire bite, Gao Yang's formation also turned, Zhao Changfeng's hand appeared a few Zhang Xianfu, Yu Guang looked at Leng Sheng indifferently, and Mohu also let out a low roar.

Their attitude says it all.

Leng Sheng's eyes flashed with infinite cold light, and his face was even more gloomy as iron, "You five plus a tiger, we are one immortal emperor, and six immortal emperors. Do you think you have a chance to win?"

When his words fell, the three immortal emperors behind Leng Sheng took a step directly, and Chen Kun and Tianxuan also took a step, one after another strong auras gushing out, and the strong people watching the battle from a distance were excited. .

"This is a matter between you, I won't miss it, I just look at it." Dongfang Unbeaten took a step back and said with a smile.

The undefeated retreat of the East made the five presidents breathe a sigh of relief. The unbeaten strength of the East is very powerful. Like a fairy beast, they also have fear in their hearts, but the undefeated action of the East made Leng Sheng look weak. angry.

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