Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 939: Idiot boy!

Hearing Luo Lang's sad voice, the woman hurried to Luo Lang's side. When she found that Luo Lang had dropped an ear and broken an arm, the woman's face was full of sorrow, and she turned to look at Leng Qun. Weeping: "Master, please call the shots for my brother."

"Don't worry, you dare to beat Luo Lang like this. No matter who he is, this son will definitely break his body into pieces today to avenge your brother!" Leng Qun's pale face was full of anger, and he turned to stare. Looking at Xiao Chen, he immediately said: "Come here, kill him for my son!"

Leng Qun's voice fell, and a group of people behind him rushed towards Xiao Chen.

"A group of idiots, do it before you understand things, it's really looking for death by yourself!" The fifth elder looked at Leng Qun and directly asked people to do it, a sneer flashed in his heart, and the people behind Leng Qun were just some immortal emperors. It's just low-level, how could it be Xiao Chen's opponent.

Sure enough, the group of people hadn't rushed in front of Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen had coldly stretched out his two fingers, and the **** connected, a series of terrifying sword aura, like a machine gun, shot all the people in front of him.

The scene before them directly suffocated everyone, everyone's heart was trembling, they felt that these people were not the strong immortal emperor, but a group of immortal soldiers, and there was no resistance at all.

In front of Qibao Pavilion, a corpse lay on the ground, blood staining the ground.

"You dare to resist!" Leng Qun said angrily, a flash of shock flashed in his eyes, but it was not because of Xiao Chen's strength, but because Xiao Chen dared to resist.

"Idiot!" Seeing Leng Qun's appearance, these two words appeared in the hearts of people around him at the same time.

"Get out of the way, or even kill you!" Xiao Chen said.

"Boy, do you know who my son is? You killed my son's person, no matter who you are today, no matter what you have..."

When Leng Qun was chattering and threatening, a shocking sword light went straight through his throat, his voice stopped abruptly, blood spurted on the faces of Roland and the woman behind him, the two of them looked dull and even forgot. fear.

"Leng Qun was killed. This incident is going to cause a sensation in the entire Six City." The Fifth Elder murmured. The other three elders in Qibao Pavilion changed their expressions. They looked at Xiao Chen with deep fear. .

The young man in front of him not only possesses powerful strength, but also has no taboos, and kills when he says kill. It is best not to offend such people, otherwise they will definitely be unlucky.

Just when Leng Qun was puzzled and confused and waiting for various emotions to fall, an angry voice resounded.

"Brother!" Immediately there was a sound of breaking through the air, and then counted until the streamer fell in front of Qibao Pavilion. Walking in the forefront was a young talent who looked a bit like Leng Qun.

"Leng Hao has also appeared, will this kid continue to be as rampant as ever?" The fifth elder muttered, looking at the youth, Leng Hao is the best genius of the Refining Association. Offending Leng Hao means offending Lian. Maker Guild, that's a big event.

Leng Hao stood beside Leng Qun's corpse. Although he looked down on Leng Qun very much. Although Leng Qun was not educated, Leng Qun was his only younger brother, and not anyone could kill him.

"Did you kill my brother?" Leng Hao looked at Xiao Chen indifferently, his eyes filled with chill.

"it's me."

"Do you know he is my brother?" Leng Hao said coldly.

"I don't know." Xiao Chen answered truthfully.

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