Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 938: Lu family!

"With just one punch, the three elders were blown away, and it seems that he didn't spend much effort at all. Could it be that he could kill the peak of the immortal king when he was the immortal king, and the peak of the immortal sovereign when he was at the peak, and now the peak of the fairy is also Can you kill the pinnacle of the Immortal Emperor?" The Fifth Elder was shocked, and at the same time he was glad that he hadn't stood in front of Xiao Chen just now, otherwise he would be the one who was beaten off.

The Grand Elder and the other two elders looked at the Qibao Pavilion that was knocked out of a human form, and their faces changed. The outside of Qibao Pavilion was arranged by the formation master of the Formation Guild. Even at the peak of the Immortal Emperor, it is impossible. Beat it with one punch.

The three of them glanced at Qibao Pavilion, turned their heads to look at Xiao Chen, there was already a trace of solemnity in their eyes.

"Your Excellency, do you know who is behind this Qibao Pavilion? He is definitely something you can't afford to offend. I advise you to stop as soon as possible, otherwise it will be too late to regret." The elder said in a deep voice, from the name of the junior. After becoming a sir, he was also shocked by Xiao Chen's strength. Although he is the Great Elder, his combat power may not be as strong as the Three Elders.

"Whether to fight or let go!" Xiao Chen took a step again and said coldly.

"Your Excellency really want to completely offend my Qibao Pavilion? You must know that Qibao Pavilion is Lu Yuan's property. Lu Yuan is a member of the Lu family. Did you know that the Lu family is stronger than the nine forces." The elder said, saying that in the end, arrogance appeared on his face again, as if being able to do something for the Lu family, what a great thing.

"The Lu Family? What kind of power is this? I have never heard of it before. It is even stronger than the nine powers." Many people around were puzzled, knowing that the three ancient tribes were only powerful and powerful. It is qualified to know that people like ordinary people have never heard of the Lu family.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, and he didn't expect Qibao Pavilion to be opened by the Lu family, but no matter who it was, he must die if he hurt Tian Xing'er.

Seeing Xiao Chen frowning, a smug sneer appeared on the face of the Great Elder, but the next moment, Xiao Chen's words made his expression gloomy for an instant.

"The Lu Family, I know, isn't it the Lu Family who claims to be one of the three ancient tribes, those lofty guys, but even the Lu Family can't stop me!"

Xiao Chen's words directly caused the great elder to furious, "Your Excellency doesn't mean that the Lu Family is not in your eyes?"

"Don't use the Lu Family to threaten me, fight if you want, or get out if you don't!" Xiao Chen drank coldly.

"Okay, okay, okay, I want to see how your Excellency will face the Lu Family in the future." The elder yelled coldly, and then chose to retreat. The other elders also retreated, just staring at Xiao Chen indifferently.

"No, the great elder save me, I am Leng Qun's brother-in-law!" Seeing the elders step away, Luo Lang shouted, his face full of panic.

Xiao Chen took another step, and the long sword in his hand pointed at Luo Lang.

"Stop, stop for my son!" Just when Xiao Chen was about to take another step, a rapid voice rang, and then a group of people walked out. Walking in the front was a pale-looking young man. The son, at first glance, was excessively drunk, and there was a coquettish woman next to him, her appearance was very beautiful, somewhat similar to Luo Lang.

Hearing this voice, Luo Lang's expression of fear instantly turned into a surprise, tears in his eyes emerged desperately, and he shouted: "Brother-in-law, sister, help me!"

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