Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 852: Defending match!

Qi Chang stepped out, the soul broke out, a terrifying coercion directly pressed on everyone, and a burst of imperial coercion was sent from the soul of Qi Shang. This is the imperial prestige formed by the immortal sovereign breaking through to the fairy queen. Pressure, as if civilians would be involuntarily afraid of seeing the emperor.

Xiao Chen looked up at Qi Chang’s soul, and discovered that Qi Chang’s soul had three golden auras. He couldn't help but be shocked and said, "It turned out to be the third-tier gold soul, and he deserves to be the current Patriarch of the Qi family. This talent is really powerful. ."

When breaking through the emperor, according to the different talents, the soul will change differently. Those with poor talents will have a gray halo. Those with a stronger talent will form a silver-white halo. The strongest talent will be a golden halo. Five products are the highest and zero products are the lowest.

Qi Chang is the third-level golden soul, which proves his talent is powerful.

Although five seconds is very short, it is undoubtedly a torment for those who are under the pressure of the immortal emperor's aura, and Xiao Chen can feel that Qi Chang is making a full shot, and many people around him are already sitting on the ground with their foreheads. It was full of cold sweat, even if the two of Jiqiu were beside them, they couldn't hold it anymore.

Just when the two of them were about to be unable to support them, their momentum suddenly withdrew, and the two of them breathed a sigh of relief. When they raised their heads and saw Xiao Chen's calm face, they admired them even more.

"The second pass!"

In the second pass, you can run a certain distance in one breath.

If it's about the body technique, whether it's Black Dragon Wing, Transformation, ROOM, you can easily win, but Xiao Chen still barely passed the level with Lingbo microsteps in the end.

In the second level, the two of Jiqiu were eliminated directly.

The third level is power.

The Qi family took out a fairy puppet. It is said that this is a fairy puppet left over from ancient times. It is made of special materials. When the power falls on it, a virtual figure will appear.

This kind of fairy puppets are used to test the strength of their disciples.

At the beginning of the third level, everyone attacked with full strength. Various attacks and skills fell on the fairy puppets, all with the strongest attack power used.

The fairy puppet didn't know what material it was made of. According to Qi Xue, this fairy puppet could not be destroyed even at the peak of the fairy emperor, and it was the only fairy puppet left in the Qi family.

Xiao Chen just punched with his fist, and a number of one thousand appeared in the fairy puppet.

As long as you hit a number of more than 800, it is considered to be a pass, and some Xianzun three- and four-tier powerhouses may not be able to hit the number of 800, after all, each martial artist has a different direction.

After the third level, the next thing is the most important thing to learn.

"Big Brother Xiaoyao is not good, because this year the Qi family has already reserved a quota, so there are only nine quotas, and the previous year's exchanges have also been changed to the defense match." Qi Xue said a little anxiously.


"Yes, everyone takes turns guarding the challenge. Only by defending the attack of five people can they win, and whether it is a challenge or a failure to defend the challenge, they will be eliminated directly." Qi Xue explained.

"I see, I'm really interested in the quota set by your Qi family." Xiao Chen smiled. If the Qi family can make the appointment directly, the strength of that person must be recognized by Qi Chang.

"This is the first time this has happened." Qi Xue is obviously also very curious.

Defending the arena soon began. Defending the arena not only requires strong strength, but also requires five people to attack, and also requires strong endurance. The first one to defend the arena is an eight-fold strong man. It is the strongest among all selections.

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