Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 851: Family selection!

The next morning, the air was fresh and the weather was perfect.

Xiao Chen was called out by Qi Xue, and Xiao Chen also got his wish to upgrade all the two major systems to the sixth level of Xianjun, and now the Xianli in his body is extremely abundant.

Qi Xue pulled Xiao Chen, and Qi Yue and others headed towards the direction of the Qi family's main line.

Qi family, one of the five members of the Tianyu Pavilion, even if it declines, the strength still cannot be underestimated. After arriving at the magnificent Qi family, guards led by the emperor can be seen everywhere, and even if the younger generation of the Qi family is intercepted, more than half , But there are still hundreds of young disciples.

"Brother Xiaoyao, this is the martial arts venue for the Qi family selection. Each family can only choose ten people to play. The younger generation of Qi family with some strength and confidence will also participate in the selection by themselves."

Xiao Chen and Qi Xue stood on a huge martial arts arena, Qi Xue introduced.

On the martial arts arena, the atmosphere was a little dull. The direct disciples gathered together and were silent, while the collateral disciples were scattered around, let alone speaking loudly.

Xiao Chen glanced around and found that most of the Qi family's typical yin and decay were women, and most of the assistants they invited were young talents.

These young talents are looking at each other, some are disdainful, some are afraid.

They are looking at each other, Qi family disciples are also looking at each other, every time they are selected, for these foreign aids, every vein is bleeding, because they all want to stand out in the selection, win glory for the Qi family, and their own veins. Win glory.

It didn't take long for a group of people to walk up to the high platform, and almost all the elders and patriarchs of the Qi family were present. The Qi family was already at the end of the road, so they looked very important to this selection.

"I didn't expect that the contemporary patriarch of the Qi family was also a woman." Walking in the forefront was a beautiful woman who looked very young but possessed a high-level temperament.

With the appearance of the woman and the elders, the martial arts field became quiet, and they all looked at the people on the stage respectfully.

"That is Qi Shang, the contemporary patriarch of our Qi family. It is the most admired object of everyone in the Qi family." Qi Xue said excitedly, her eyes full of worship.

"Qi Chang, it turned out to be Qi Chang who is ranked third in the goddess list." Xiao Chen scanned the goddess list at the beginning, and he still had some impressions. The detailed information of Qi Chang was introduced above, the peak of the fairy emperor who was less than 30 years old. The strong, regardless of their beauty, talent, strength or background, are absolutely white and rich.

Qi Chang stepped forward, "The Qi family has reached the edge of life and death. It is up to you to live or die. Now the selection begins, and this time only nine people are selected. Good luck, everyone."

Qi Chang's voice was loud, concise and powerful, and sat back after speaking.

Then another elder walked up and said loudly: "The selection is very simple. First, within five seconds of being pressed by the imperial imperial peak power, the second body technique, the third strength!"

Qi Xue has already explained to Xiao Chen that this selection is not purely a discussion, but is based on the competition's items. Only through the first three items will the final knockout match.

"The first pass, oppressive aura, stand together for the selection." the elder announced.

"Brother Xiaoyao, come on!" Qi Xue encouraged.

"Don't worry." Xiao Chen laughed, and then they came to the crowd with Ji Qiu, and they just stepped back without participating in the selection and left a place.

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