Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 835: Fairy world!

"Where is this place, the sun and the moon appear in the sky!"

Xiao Chen looked at the sky in shock, unable to recover for a long time.

"There is also the immortal energy in the heaven and earth spiritual energy, which seems to be much stronger than Zhongzhou." Xiao Chen felt it.

"Forget it, take a look first, what happened to the emperor?"

Xiao Chen began to check.

Three styles of the gods, Xianshu?

"What the **** is the third-rank immortal skill? Shouldn't it be the third-rank immortal martial skill?"

Xiao Chen didn't understand.

"Xianshu is a spell cast by the real immortal realm, that is, the immortal realm. This system once sensed the aura of a warrior in the immortal realm, and specially evolved the three forms of the gods to the third-grade immortal technique."

The sound of the system rang.

"Is it Tian Kuier?"

Xiao Chen remembered that Tian Kuier had come from the immortal world.

"No comment!"

"Is that the immortal skill stronger, the divine skill, or the holy skill stronger?"

"Xianshu is the weakest."

"It turned out to be rubbish!" Xiao Chen said disappointedly. He possesses magical skills, super magical skills, and holy skills, and Xianshu naturally looks down on it.

"Although the sacred skill is strong, the host has only weak celestial power, and it is impossible to exert one millionth of the power of the sacred skill. The technique is even more handy."

"Xianli? Shouldn't it be Xianyuan?"

"The martial realm absorbs heaven and earth aura to form true essence, immortal realm, the strong absorbs heaven and earth aura, and the reason for forming immortal essence is because there is a weak immortal aura in the heaven and earth aura. In the immortal realm, the immortal aura is much richer, The warrior condenses the Xian Yuan in his body into Xian Yuan, and the power of Xian Yuan is a hundred times that of Xian Yuan."

"In other words, if I use the three forms of the gods now, will it be stronger than the use of Thunderbolt?"


"No, system, how could you suddenly explain so much to me? You are so kind?" Xiao Chen suddenly reacted, and the system actually explained to him what Xianli is, something that has never happened before.

"Oh, your strength is improving too slowly, this system can no longer stand it!" The system replied very humanely.

"I'm still slow?" Xiao Chen was speechless for a while.

"It's too slow, so this system decides to help the host. The host can once again credit the sacred value. The system will help the host implement the immortal energy infusion. After the immortal energy is sufficient, the host can directly form the immortal power! "

"How many pits are needed?"

"One hundred billion?"

"Puff!" Xiao Chen spewed out old blood, "100 billion pit cents, when can I pay it off!"

"Does the host perform immortal energy infusion, and the system improves the host. If the host does not have immortal power, it is impossible to beat the fairy beast on the island?"

"What do you mean?" Xiao Chen was taken aback?

"Because this is the Immortal Realm, the system will only help the host to reach the Immortal Realm when the island is cleared."

"What are you talking about! Immortal realm, I wiped it, the system is making wool!" Xiao Chen felt that he was going crazy. He wanted to avoid being chased by the giant palm, but he didn't expect to be directly brought to the immortal realm by the system.

"Where are the other three people?" Xiao Chen asked Qinglin and the others again.

"They are in the fairyland!"

Xiao Chen breathed a sigh of relief when he got the answer from the system, but he immediately became nervous again. According to the system, he must get through the island to get out. Doesn’t it mean that he must convert the immortal energy in his body into immortal power, otherwise it would be impossible to fight The real fairy beast on the island.

"I'm serving it, I'm completely serving it, isn't it worth 100 billion pits? I'll take it on credit!"

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