Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 834: Heal the tears!

The black door disappeared, and the giant palm slapped it empty, and then a voice that suppressed anger resounded through the sky: "Find me, even if you turn the entire fairyland upside down, you will find them for me."

"Yes!" One voice after another resounded, the voice mixed with boundless anger.


Xiao Chen woke up suddenly, opened his eyes in confusion, listening to the sound of the surrounding water waves colliding with rocks, and feeling the slightly humid air, Xiao Chen muttered, "I'm still alive."

But he has no strength at all now, even if he sacrifices the sword of good fortune to recover his injuries.

"System, you cheat!"

Xiao Chen thought of the two voices that sounded before he became unconscious. He owed money again, and there were five billion owed money that had not yet been paid off. Can he still pay off?

"Ding! It is detected that the host's health is too low, do you spend 100 million pit cents to recover the injury?"

"You take advantage of the fire again!" Xiao Chen was completely speechless, and it would cost 100 million cents to recover from his injury.


Anyway, he already owes more than 5 billion, and he doesn’t care if he owes more than 100 million, and he doesn’t know where he is now, he doesn’t feel the breath of the other three people, and he doesn’t know what happened to those three people. He also has to first. Restore strength.

"Ding! It is detected that the host has already owed 5.1 billion cents on credit, and the upper limit is reached. The credit cannot be continued, and the restoration has failed."

"I'll rub it, so it's okay?" Xiao Chen ran directly in tears, and then took a look at the things on his body. Even if the tens of thousands of immortal-level magic weapons were recovered, it would be impossible to collect 100 million immortals!

"Am I going to die here? Am I going to be eaten by the passing beasts? I saw that the predecessor named Bi painted me a portrait, and I heard that the predecessor Bei played music, and the predecessor Niu gave it back I am an apple..."

"Stupid master, I have good things here to heal your injuries, do you want?"

Just when Xiao Chen's thoughts were almost lost, Xiao Hei's voice suddenly rang, and then Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai Fei were in front of Xiao Chen's eyes.

"Master, you hurt so badly!"

"If you need it, what can you do? Say it quickly." Xiao Chen said hurriedly.

"The Killing Shop has a healing dandelion, which can recover the stupid owner's injury in a short time, but after the time passes, it will return to the original state."

"Of course, the fool master can also exchange and heal tears."

Xiao Hei said.

Is the ability to heal fruits? Xiao Chen's eyes lit up, and then he asked, "How many killing points are healed for dandelion, and how many tears are healed?"

"One thousand killing points for curing dandelion, ten thousand killing points for healing tears."

"What! It only takes ten thousand points to heal tears?" Xiao Chen was startled, this one is too cheap.

"Yes, it only takes a drop of healing tears to recover 70% of the owner's injuries." Xiao Bai explained to the side.

"Such a good thing, give me a few dozen!" Xiao Chen called immediately.

"Good fool master!" Xiao Hei waved a small hand, and a tear fell on his face. He instantly felt a warmth spread throughout his body, and he recovered most of his injuries in the blink of an eye.

"It's a good thing!" Xiao Chen got up from the ground, moved his muscles and bones, and then stuffed a few pills of medicine to restore the wounds and Xianyuan in his body.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Chen looked at the surrounding environment and found that there was an endless sea right in front of him. His position should be on an island. What shocked him was that above his head, what appeared Lu Mingri, but on the other side of the sea, he saw the half-worn moon.

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