Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 821: brat!

"I don't dare to forgive you." The old man sneered, then looked at Xiao Chen and said with a gloomy smile: "I didn't expect the old man to be so lucky, and it would not be in vain to kill my ancestors, and rushed from Zhongzhou to the north. Zhou, I didn't expect to meet you."

"Ancestor of the Blood Fiend? Are you one of the nine guardians of the Blood Fiend Sect of the nine powers in Zhongzhou?"

The face of the middle-aged person changed drastically. The blood evil sect is one of the nine major forces in Zhongzhou, and every guardian is at the level of the immortal emperor. The blood evil sect never takes the initiative to cause trouble, but if you dare to provoke the blood evil sect, it will definitely be Being pursued and killed by the blood evil sect.

Therefore, most people will not provoke the blood evil sect!

For a while, all the strong in the restaurant looked at the **** ancestor with fear.

"Blood Demon Sect? The strongest force on the surface of the Blood Demon Cult?" Xiao Chen frowned slightly, but he did not expect to meet someone from the Blood Demon Cult.

"You know a lot." The blood evil ancestor grinned gloomily.

The middle-aged man showed a crying and laughing expression.

The **** ancestor was too lazy to pay attention to him, looked directly at Xiao Chen, sneered and said: "Are you self-deciding or the ancestors doing it yourself."

"It's long-winded, didn't you see this girl eating? It's long-winded I ate you!"

Xiao Chen hadn't spoken yet, and Qing Lin on the side was already impatient.

"Mom, this little guy is going to kill Grandpa, should we beat him!" Tian Yan'er pointed to the **** ancestor and said crisply.

"Dare to bully my dad, even if you do something big and small, you have to beat him!" Tian Daoer said.

Everyone in the restaurant looked at the two in amazement, saying that the **** ancestor little guy?

Still bullying the small?

Even Xiao Chen was stunned.

The **** ancestor looked furious: "I will not pity Xiangxiyu, ancestor. No matter who you are, you will die for me!"

When the voice fell, the blood evil ancestor had already grabbed Tian Dao'er's head with one claw, mercilessly.

"Be careful!" Xiao Chen shouted. Although he did not know the two of them, he would not allow them to die in front of him. Just as he moved, the ancestor of the blood evil spirit felt a dark shadow flash by, and then he Directly fly out, smash a series of tables and chairs.

"How is it possible!" Everyone looked at the item that smashed the blood evil ancestor into the air, turned out to be a fairy beast bone.

A piece of bone smashed a strong immortal emperor into the air, how is this possible?

Everyone was shocked, and then looked at the little loli, full of fear.

"It's long-winded, if it weren't for the elder brother told me that humans are not tasty, I would have eaten you."

Qing Lin said impatiently.

The **** ancestor struggled to sit up from the ruins, and there was a swollen bag on his forehead. No matter how far he turned to Xianyuan, he couldn't get rid of it. This shocked him and looked at Qinglin. Said: "Who are you on earth?"

"She is someone you can't afford." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"People that the original ancestor can't provoke?" The blood evil ancestor looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "Xianyu, there is no one that my blood evil sect can't provoke, no matter who you are, if you offend my blood evil sect, you will definitely die. "

"Little guy, why are you so loud, don't you know what low-key is?" Tian Yan'er stepped forward and came to the **** ancestor with an elder's tone.

"You are looking for death!" Reprimanded by a little girl, the **** ancestor had a sullen face, and a **** claw caught the little girl who was close at hand.


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