Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 820: Xiao Chen became a great opportunity!

"You can't stop your mouth even if you eat!" Xiao Chen said irritably, then looked at the two men and said, "You really admit the wrong person!"

"Impossible, Dad, are you called Xiao Chen?"

"My name is Xiao Chen!" Xiao Chen was startled.

"Then you said you are not my father." Tian Daoer said.

"Well, let me ask you, who is your mother?" Xiao Chen was completely confused.

"Mom, I don't have a mother, I only have a father in my memory." Tian Daoer said.

"I'll go, what is going on?" Xiao Chen was going crazy.

"is it him?"

"It's him, nothing wrong."

"The peak of the fairy king, why does he have this strength?"

"how could I know?"

Just when Xiao Chen was mad, voices came from all around. Xiao Chen looked at it and didn't know when, the diners in the restaurant, including the boss, Xiao Er all gathered around and pointed at Xiao Chen.

"Broken, exposed!"

Xiao Chen smiled bitterly in his heart.

"Boy, did you kill Dongfang Wudao, the person who was ordered by the Immortal Territory Alliance to kill him?" asked a gorgeously dressed young man.

"Of course not, you have seen it too, I'm just the peak of the fairy king, that senior Dongfang is the peak of the fairy king, how could I kill him?" Xiao Chen hurriedly defended.

"That said." The young man nodded.

"But why do you grow up to be exactly the same as the person pursued by Xianyu?" a middle-aged uncle asked.

"Do I still want to know? I was even more unlucky. For no reason, I became the one pursued and killed by the Immortal Domain Alliance. Even this girl recognized me as his father. I really don't know who killed the Dongfang Wudao Who the **** is it?" Xiao Chen exclaimed.

"Jiejie, don't care who that person is. Just hold your head and you can get rewards from the Fairyland Alliance. Who makes you look exactly like that person." An old man with gray hair and wrinkles smiled coldly. Dao, looked at Xiao Chen, as if staring at a peerless treasure.

Hearing the old man's words, everyone was taken aback, and then after reacting, the eyes staring at Xiao Chen flickered constantly, his eyes filled with greed.

"He belongs to my son, who dares to fight against my palace, don't blame my son for being polite."

The young man directly said loudly, and at the same time released an aura no less than the peak of Xianjun.

"Just a little fairy, dare to grab the opportunity of the deity!" The middle-aged man who just spoke, exuding the three-fold aura of the immortal, gave the young man a cold look.

The young man's expression changed, and then he took a few steps back and looked at the middle-aged man with fear.

The middle-aged person scanned for a week, and almost everyone dared not look at him. This made his eyes show a smug smile, looking at Xiao Chen, extremely excited.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect this deity to have such good luck. You can meet people who are chased by the Immortal Territory Hunting Order for a meal."

"Jiejie, good luck? I think you have bad luck, right? A trivial Xianzun, dare to take advantage of the old man?"

The old man who had just spoken gave out a cold aura, and the next moment, a powerful evil aura suddenly burst out of his body.

Some warriors with a weaker cultivation base were enveloped by this evil spirit, and instantly their faces were pale, and they backed back again and again, the youth looked terrified, and the middle-aged men looked pale.

The evil spirit that the old man just broke out, has reached the fairy emperor.

"You want to grab the old man?" The old man asked coldly, looking at the middle-aged man.

"Don't dare!" The middle-aged man took a step back in fright and said hurriedly.

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