Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 816: Violent little loli!

However, the fangs of these poisonous snakes bit on this figure, as if they were biting on a copper wall and iron wall. The fangs were directly broken, and then they all followed the footsteps of the previous poisonous snakes.

Xiao Chen looked at this scene stupidly, and when he recovered, the figure had already appeared in front of him, with black blood still in the corner of his mouth, and was looking at him curiously.

At this time, Xiao Chen realized that the person in front of him turned out to be a little Lolita who seemed to be only fifteen or sixteen years old, with innocent eyes, looking at him like a curious baby.

"Wow, you look like me. What are you? Can you eat? I'm not full yet."

"No, don't eat first, I'm going to play for two days and eat."

Little Lori said to herself, the meaning of the words, and her innocent eyes, did not seem to come from the same person.

The appearance of a pure angel, the heart of a devil.

"I can't eat!" Xiao Chen said hurriedly, scared out of cold sweat.

"Why can't you eat?" Little Lori asked curiously.

"Because I am a human."

"Humans?" Little Lolita showed doubts on her face, her eyes lit up suddenly, and she said excitedly: "Humans, in my inherited memory, humans are the most delicious food, I will eat you!"

When the voice fell, Little Lori's eyes lit up, as if a starving ghost saw food.

"Humans are not tasty, and I have something better." Xiao Chen was stared at by Little Lolita's eyes, and a chill instantly hit the sky from the soles of his feet.

The little loli in front of her is definitely not a human being, she must be in the form of a fairy beast, but there has never been a fairy beast in the fairyland.

What is going on with the little loli in front of me, is it really from the fairyland?

"Do you really have something delicious?" Little Lolita asked, blinking her big eyes.

"Yes...Yes." Xiao Chen said hurriedly.

"Take it out, if it doesn't taste good, I will eat you!" Little Lori said viciously.

If she hadn't seen the scene where little Lori eats a viper raw, Xiao Chen would definitely be cute by the little Lori in front of him.

Xiao Chen hurriedly bought a roast chicken in Keng Xian Value.

After the little girl took the roast chicken, she smelled it, her eyes showed excitement, and then she bit down.

"Wow, it's delicious."

Little Lolita ate it all in a few bites, and stretched out her hand to Xiao Chen excitedly.

Xiao Chen then bought another roast suckling pig.

Then, roast whole lamb, roast goose, roast duck...

Xiao Chen looked at the smooth belly of little Lolita. He was now completely sure that this little Lolita must be a fairy.

A few roasted whole lambs, a few roasted suckling pigs, and other things, can't be eaten by dozens of adults.

"Finally I'm full, these things are really good, much better than what I used to eat."

Little Lori said with a look of enjoyment.

"In addition to eating poisonous snakes, what else did you eat?"

Xiao Chen asked curiously.

"It moves, I eat it all." Little Lori said.

"It will move?"

"That's right!" Little Lolita said innocently: "I eat everything that flies in the sky, crawls on the ground, swims in the water."

Although this girl is a fairy beast, she has turned into an adult and eats raw food like the fairy beast, how it feels a bit pitiful.

"By the way, my name is Xiao Chen, what is your name?"

"My name is Green Python!"

"Green python?" Xiao Chen was suddenly startled, isn't the little Lolita in front of him the overlord of the green python forest, right?

With its demonstrated strength, it is likely to be a green python!

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