Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 815: A place of terror!

"What a blessed place!"

Feeling the abundant aura in the valley, Xiao Chen expressed his sincere admiration.

With that, Xiao Chen stepped into the valley.

After entering the valley, Xiao Chen discovered that the valley looked more beautiful, with various colorful flowers, colorful trees, and even colorful fruits on the trees.

Xiao Chen looked at the beautiful surroundings, suddenly his eyes lighted up, and he came to a small stream and lay on a huge rock beside the stream. He fought endlessly for two days, even if he was a little tired, he should enjoy it. A rare rest time.

Suddenly, a breeze passed.


In the originally quiet valley, suddenly, some strange sounds sounded.

Xiao Chen sat up instantly, his pupils shrank suddenly, and a pale and shocked expression appeared on his face.

"I've been stunned by Ergouzi, what is this place?"

At a distance of more than 30 feet in front of Xiao Chen, a colorful python appeared, and behind the python, there were countless similarly colorful poisonous snakes. At the same time, they lifted their body, hideous eyes and slender snake letter.

Xiao Chen was shocked to discover that with him as the center, within a radius of thousands of miles, there are all poisonous snakes, those colorful flowers, those colorful trees, and even those colorful fruits. At this moment, all All turned into deadly poisonous snakes.

"I'm a good boy, the more beautiful things are, the more dangerous they are. The ancients don't fool me!"

At this moment, even Xiao Chen, who had experienced life and death, felt the creeps!

At a glance, the number of densely packed venomous snakes is unclear, and Xiao Chen felt that most of these venomous snakes were of the level of the immortal monarch, and many of them were of the level of the immortal, and even Xiao Chen felt the aura of the immortal emperor. .

Moreover, what made Xiao Chen even more frightened was that he was surrounded by poisonous snakes in all directions.

"It deserves to be the most dangerous forest of green pythons. Even if the strong immortal emperor comes here, I am afraid there will be death or no life."

Xiao Chen smiled bitterly, looking at the cold poisonous snakes.


Just as Xiao Chen smiled bitterly, those venomous snakes also turned into off-string arrows, piercing the void and shooting towards Xiao Chen.

It was as if ten thousand arrows were fired, not only fast, but also densely packed, looking terrifying.

"Ice Age!" Xiao Chen stretched out his palm, and a chill came out of his body instantly. With Xiao Chen as the center, within a radius of a thousand feet, it instantly turned into an ice world.

All the venomous snakes that kept shooting were frozen into the ice block alive, and the scene was spectacular.

"The Ice Age, which can be used once a month, is gone." Xiao Chen sighed. At this moment, there were a few clicks.

A few poisonous snakes broke out of the ice, staring at Xiao Chen with cold pupils, eyes full of cold killing intent.

"Xianhuang level!"

Xiao Chen's expression was extremely solemn, and five immortal charms appeared in his hand. At the same time, the golden summoning card also appeared in the other hand, and his thoughts also connected to the immortal puppet.

Just when Xiao Chen was about to give out his trump cards, a figure suddenly fell from the sky, grabbing a poisonous snake with both hands, and gently pulling with both hands, the snake of the Immortal Emperor level was torn in two.

What made Xiao Chen's horror even more shocking was that the owner of his hands actually stuffed two halves of the poisonous snake's body into his mouth, and ate it.

The surrounding venomous snakes gave up Xiao Chen in an instant, their eyes were full of cold killing intent, and they rushed directly to this figure.

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