Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 808: Shameless sneak attack!

Suddenly, the whole body of the black-clothed Immortal Venerable aura emerged, and at the same time, a black shield appeared in front of him, directly blocking him.

Sword Qi fell on the shield, and the shield was cut like a piece of paper. Although Sword Qi cut through the shield and the black-clothed Xianzun's Xianyuan defense, it did not hurt him at all.

"Nice defense!" Xiao Chen smiled faintly.

"With just one sword, not only cut open the black shield, but also cut my defense, how is this possible..."

There was still a trace of shock in the eyes of the black-robed immortal expert. The black shield was a magic weapon of the fifth rank of the immortal rank. It could resist the attack of the immortal expert's high-level expert, so it was cut in half so easily!

"The weapons in his hand and the swordsmanship he uses are definitely not simple!" The Black Immortal Emperor had a look of shock in his eyes.

"Boy, this deity doesn't believe it. With the strength of your fairy king, you can still slash a sword!" The black immortal came back to his senses, looked at his black shield, suddenly became angry, and looked at Xiao Chen coldly. .

"Since you can't kill you with one sword, what about this?" Xiao Chen really can't use one sword to reach the sky, but he still has other cards.

As his voice fell, tens of thousands of immortal third-rank long swords appeared one after another in Xiao Chen's body, all pointed at the black-clothed immortal venerable.

"This?? How is this possible? How can he control so many fairy swords at the same time, how strong is his soul?"

The black immortal emperor looked at the spectacular scene in shock, and the other strong men were also shocked.

The black-clothed Xianzun was pointed at by ten thousand immortal swords, he felt a strong sword intent locked him, cold sweat oozes on his face and forehead, he felt that if ten thousand swords came out, he would definitely be worn by ten thousand swords heart!

"However, this should be his biggest hole card!" The Black Immortal Emperor narrowed his eyes slightly.

At this moment, Xiao Chen looked at the black immortal emperor, and the ten thousand long swords instantly turned to the black immortal emperor. Xiao Chen smiled and said, "Do you think I can kill you?"

Heiyi Xianzun breathed a sigh of relief when he felt the sword qi leave him, and looked at the smiling young man in front of him, feeling scared in his heart for this young man.

The black immortal emperor's eyes sank, he glanced at the ten thousand long swords, and then at Xiao Chen, his eyes erratic.

He was also playing drums in his heart, and he didn't dare to bet whether Xiao Chen had the ability to kill him.

At this moment, his eyes suddenly swept, and a cold light suddenly appeared behind Xiao Chen

At this moment, Xiao Chen seemed to have a general feeling. He turned his head abruptly, and his pupils suddenly shrank, and a dagger plunged directly into his chest under Xiao Chen's horrified gaze.

In an instant, Xiao Chen's blood volume almost bottomed out, and the dagger stuck in his chest, blood pouring from the dagger.

Everyone was taken aback by this incident. After reacting, Shangguanying was the first to appear next to Xiao Chen and gave Xiao Chen a healing pill. At the same time, Shangguanbo and others also appeared next to Xiao Chen. Looked around vigilantly.

"Miangong, how are you?"

Shangguanying's eyes were full of anxiety.

"Someone attacked my boss, get out of the labor and management!" Lei Qianjue shouted loudly, his voice full of anger!

"Courageless rats, if you have the courage to attack, why don't you have the courage to come out?" Xu Xiaojun looked around coldly as an icy chill emerged from her body.

"Hahaha, it's a godsend, boy, are you still alive now?"

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