Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 807: Advanced mission!

After Xiao Chen used the Explosive Flame Talisman, the other two fairy talisman also threw them out.

After all, these people are all powerful immortals, and it is difficult for them to be injured by the fairy talisman.

Of course, Xiao Chen didn't intend to kill them through the fairy talisman.

"Thousands of spiders and poisonous palms!"

Taking advantage of the chaos, Xiao Chen directly shifted his shape and changed his shadow, came to the crowd, and instantly transformed into the Saint Body of Ten Thousand Poison, and printed several green palm prints on these people in black.

Xiao Chen's current strength is still too low. Thousands of Spiders and Poisonous Palms are not as strong as the poisonous gas that Qianmeng Poisonous Spiders can display, but it is also enough to make the powerful Immortal Venerable lose consciousness in a short time.


At the moment they lost their minds, the Thunder Rod appeared in Xiao Chen's hands, instantly transforming into the Divine Thunder Eucharist, with Xiao Chen as the center, instantly forming a magnetic field, and countless thunder powers roared out.

"What a strong power of thunder!"

"Is this his trump card? Such violent power of thunder can indeed threaten the power of Immortal Venerable, but for the Immortal Emperor, it is still too far away."

The crowd watched in shock as the power of thunder swallowed ten immortals, and those ten immortals, after a brief loss of consciousness due to thousands of spiders and poisonous palms, when they woke up, the power of thunder had fallen on them. They have no time to dodge, let alone defense!

The power of thunder in the sky fell, and the screams of ten immortals instantly spread into the ears of everyone. Those immortal monarchs and strong men looked at this scene, and all of them had fear in their eyes.

After that, Xiao Chen held Ling Tian in his hand, stepped on Ling Bo's microsteps, and shuttled through the power of thunder. Every sword stabbed, it would bring up a flower of blood, and the blood would stain the void.

"Ding! Congratulations to the player Xiao Chen for slaying the Immortal Venerable "Man in Black", gaining 300w experience points, 300w spiritual power and 1w pitfall

"Ding! Congratulations to the player Xiao Chen for upgrading, the current Immortal King Jiuzhong!"

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for triggering the advanced fairy king quest and winning the first place on the fairy king list with his strength."

"Ding! Congratulations to the player for getting the advanced fairy prince task, starting the quest for hegemony fairy prince list, the task requirements, Lei Qianjue, Xu Xiaojun, Gao Fumei, Zhan Taihuo, must enter the top ten of the fairy prince list!"

"After completing the quest for hegemony, you can get the pit value, killing points, super sacred beast blood, power of demon spirit, and power of various attributes!"

"Well, did you trigger the advanced mission again? And this hegemony mission, this reward is a bit rich!"

Xiao Chen beheaded the Black-clothed Immortal Venerable while watching the triggered advanced mission, the supernatural beast essence and blood, which should be prepared for Lei Qianjue and the others.

The power of the demon spirit was prepared for him and the black bear.

The spiritual power of various attributes is prepared for the ten deputy palace masters!

It seems that this is to fully enhance the strength of the Sky Star Sect!

"Old Datu Xianzun, like a dog, is too powerful!" Lei Qianjue said in shock.

And Zhan Taihuo monk Qiu Yuran Xiaoqi and others were full of admiration!

too strong!

The black immortal emperor looked at the ten dead immortals without expression, "This should be his trump card!"

However, the black immortal emperor is a very cautious person. He glanced at an immortal peak powerhouse beside him and said: "Go, kill him!"

"Yes!" The black-clothed Immortal Venerable directly killed Xiao Chen. After Xiao Chen killed the last wounded Immortal Venerable, he looked at the peak of the immortal Venerable that rushed forward, and shot directly at him with a sword Ling Tian. !

"What a strong kendo will, how can he understand the kendo will of a fairy king!"

A hint of horror flashed in the eyes of this black-clothed Immortal Venerable peak powerhouse, an attack from an immortal king unexpectedly made him feel extremely dangerous.

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