Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4106: The pool for bathing!

"What use is it for you humans to borrow our salivation pool?" the snake queen asked curiously.

"Among human beings, there is a profession as a pharmacist. I want to borrow the water in the salivation pond to make medicine." Xiao Chen did not hide it, and explained the biggest reason for coming to the White Snake clan territory.

"Um, your human interest is really amazing." The Snake King looked at Xiao Chen's gaze. He was a little weird. He also had some understanding of human potions. They were generally used for oral administration, but they used their snake clan bath water. Making potions is really amazing.

"Senior Snake King, aren't you amazing?" Xiao Chen glanced at the ambergris in Jiu'er's hand, and said lightly. To put it bluntly, ambergris is also made from the saliva or sweat of the dragon clan, and it is not regarded as a treasure by the snake clan. .

Hearing this, the snake king stopped talking for a moment.

"Little human friends, let's talk in detail about how to exchange for Ambergris?" Snake Queen said.

"Good." Xiao Chen nodded.

Two hours later, Xiao Chen and the others reached a cooperative intention and walked out of the cave.

When the Sanhua Juding Snake and the White Snake saw the human-shaped snake king and the snake, they all showed shock. Then they looked at Xiao Chen, what is the origin of this human kid, and turned the two patriarchs into shape. Reception.

"You come with me." The snake said afterwards.

Xiao Chen nodded.

The snake queen led everyone to a lake, leaving a casual sentence, and then all the snake clan left.

"Kill God, where is it?" Geng Bo asked.

"The salivation pool of the snake clan." Xiao Chen said.

"Why did you bring us here?" Geng Bo asked with some confusion.

"Soak in the bath." Xiao Chen said.

"Bath? Take a bath in the salivation pool of the snake clan, are you sure you are not kidding?" Geng Bo frowned. They are just by the lake now, they have already smelled a stench. If they enter the bath, Don't smoke yourself to death.

Xiao Chen glanced at it, and then came to the top of the lake. Various powders and potions appeared in his hands. They were sprinkled into the lake. Soon, the lake, which was still very calm just now, became hot like a hot spring. At the same time, a smell that was even more stinky than before came out, and everyone hurriedly blocked the sense of taste, otherwise they would be smoked by the smell.

"All go in." Xiao Chen said, and he himself had already jumped into the lake for the first time, and then sat cross-legged directly in the lake.

Qianmei Yilian took the lead to jump into the lake, and then all the cheetahs also jumped into the lake. The next moment, one after another, screams like killing pigs came out, and many people even hurriedly jumped out of the lake. Looking at the water in the lake with lingering fears.

It hurts, it hurts so badly, it's like being burned by fire or stabbed by a needle.

"You can't bear this pain. What else are you practicing? Why don't you go home and grow sweet potatoes." Xiao Chen glanced at everyone, said lightly, and then closed his eyes again.

Hearing this, everyone gritted their teeth and sat down. Those who jumped out of the lake also jumped back to the lake again, gritted their teeth and sat down.

"This is a potion?" Geng Yan came to Xiao Chen's side and asked in surprise.

"Yeah." Xiao Chen nodded. This is a kind of irritant medicine provided by Qian Lao. It is made with the breath of snake clan and various elixir. Its main function is to stimulate the skin and stimulate the acceleration of the flow of power in the body. It's like rubbing the skin to speed up blood flow through physical means.

Of course it's the kind that rubs it hard, and it doesn't hurt.

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