Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4105: Become a person!

"What do you think this is?" Xiao Chen stretched out his hand, and there was already a spiritual grass in his hand. This spiritual grass is very ordinary, but the snake king and the snake queen have their eyes shining.

"There really is a dragon breath." The Snake Queen said excitedly, and then looked at Xiao Chen with a serious look: "My white snakes are the most credible clan. As long as you give me this ambergris, you want to be my white snake. The family can live as long as possible."

"Then thank the snake queen." Xiao Chen put the ambergris in front of the snake's back.

"Jiu'er, you can eat this ambergris." The snake queen pushed the ambergris to the little white snake.

"Mother, do you give this to me?" Xiaobai Snake asked. She didn't know what ambergris was before, but after Xiao Chen's introduction, she already knew that ambergris could help the snake tribe to transform the dragon. This is for their snake tribe. In other words, it is a priceless treasure.

"You are our only daughter, of course it is for you." The Snake King said, and kindness flashed in the snake's eyes. When dealing with humans, the Snake King was full of indifference and killing intent, but when faced with his daughter, it was full of love.

Seeing the attitude of the Snake King and Snake Queen, Xiao Chen smiled. Although the snake clan is known for its coldness, the parents in front of him let Xiao Chen see their parents' love for their children.

Little White Snake was at a loss. She didn't want to use Ambergris. She wanted to give it to her parents, but there was only one Ambergris and she didn't know who to give it to.

"Your name is Jiu'er?" Xiao Chen came to Xiao Bai Snake and looked up at Xiao Bai Snake.

"Yeah." Little White Snake nodded.

"When I was in Snake Valley, thank you for begging for me. We are also friends. Since we are friends, let me give you some gifts." Xiao Chen said, and then twitched his hands behind him, like magic. A bouquet of flowers appeared in his hands.

"What?" The Snake King and Snake Empress instantly widened the eyes of the snake, looking at the bouquet in Xiao Chen's hand, with an incredible color in their eyes, because this bouquet was all made of ambergris.

"You still have so many ambergris?" Snake King said silently.

"Do you like it?" Xiao Chen looked at Xiaobai Snake. Although he does not have ambergris, there are many in the system mall, and it is not expensive.

Boom boom boom!

At this moment, the Snake King and Snake Queen and Little White Snake transformed into a family of three at the same time. The males are handsome, the females are beautiful, and the little ones are cute. A perfect family of three.

Xiao Chen was not surprised. It is not uncommon for spirit beasts to transform into form, but they generally do not transform into form. They only transform form in order to show their respect for guests. Now they transform into human form. Obviously it is an emphasis on Xiao Chen.

"Here you!" Xiao Chen handed the bouquet to Jiu'er.

"Thank you human brother." Jiuer happily took it.

"Little human friends, I have offended you before, and I hope to forgive me!" The Snake King arched his hands.

"Senior is serious." Xiao Chen replied.

"Little friend, take the liberty to ask, is there ambergris on him?" the snake king asked.

"As much as you want." Xiao Chen said.

The King Snake stared, "Then how about replacing the ambergris in the hands of the little friend with the cultivation resources needed by humans?"

He didn't intend to rob, because he didn't know if Xiao Chen had any other cards besides the Mirage Body.

"Of course it's good. I'm here, first, to exchange cultivation resources with you, and second, I want to borrow your salivation pool." Xiao Chen said.

"Borrow the salivation pool?" The Snake Queen asked in surprise. The salivation pool was the pool used by their snake clan to bathe.

Xiao Chen nodded.

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