Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4081: Cao Zhen broke in!

In Pang Yun's knife domain, Pang Yun casually used a machete to chop off at the starlight, and the sword suddenly became full of strength.

Starlight's golden armor, plus the golden long sword in his hand, seemed like a golden war **** wielding a sword at will, constantly colliding with Pang Yun's sword.

Xiao Chen had already retreated to the edge of the knife domain, glanced at the fiercely colliding Pang Yun and Xingguang, and simply sat cross-legged directly, absorbing the energy in the knife domain to improve his cultivation.

At this time Pang Yunzheng and Xingguang were fighting with all their strength, so the two did not realize what Xiao Chen was doing. Outside of the knife domain, the third prince Cao Ying also hit Geng Yan with real fire. Every time he collided, there was a terrifying force. Bai Wei and others had already retreated to a hundred meters away.


Suddenly at this moment, a cold shout sounded, and then, Cao Zhen's figure fell down, watching Cao Ying and Geng Yan in the battle, the jade hand pressed, suddenly the prison formed by the thunder, directly conquered Cao Ying. Trapped separately with Geng Yan.

"Thunder prison, war wolf." Cao Ying looked at the thunder prison in front of him, frowned slightly, then shattered it with a palm, and then looked at Cao Zhen.

At the same time, Geng Yan also broke through the thunder prison and looked at Cao Zhen.

"What are you doing?" Cao Zhen asked with a frown. She and Geng Yan were still at Geng Yan's mansion just now. Suddenly Geng Yan's expression changed drastically and she left without expecting to come to the cheetah camp and fight with the third prince. .

However, after discovering that this was a cheetah camp, Cao Zhen's heart sank. The reason for the change in Geng Yan's expression must be because of Xiao Chen. Thinking of this, she felt very uncomfortable, and Geng Yan cared too much about Xiao Chen.

When he felt uncomfortable, Cao Zhen became even more dissatisfied with Xiao Chen.

Cao Ying didn't speak, but if you were careful, you could find that Cao Ying's mouth opened slightly, obviously speaking.

Hearing Cao Ying’s transmission, Cao Zhen’s face flashed with astonishment. She had heard Geng Yan say what kind of sect master Xiao Chen was, but she didn’t care, but she didn’t expect that Xiao Chen’s so-called sect was actually The supreme-level sect has fallen, and there is a supreme-level suzerain.

Thinking of this, Cao Zhen's heart became fierce. Everyone wanted to get the supreme-level suzerain. If the sect learned about it, he would try his best to grab the suzerain.

Cao Zhen and Cao Ying looked at each other. In the next moment, Cao Ying rushed towards Geng Yan, while Cao Zhen rushed towards the place where Pang Yun and Xingguang were fighting.

"Cao Zhen, if you dare to do something with him, the relationship between our sisters and sisters will end here." Geng Yan shouted anxiously. Cao Ying's offensive was so fierce that she could not stop Cao Zhen at all.

"Senior Sister, I'm sorry." Cao Zhen didn't stop, just faintly replied. Under the temptation of the Supreme-level Sect Master Ling, the senior sisters and sisters are completely nonsense.

"Hmph, Geng Yan, do you think you can keep him? Don't be wishful thinking." Cao Ying sneered. He knew that Cao Zhen would be tempted, or that everyone would be tempted.

Geng Yan was anxious secretly, but couldn't get rid of Cao Ying at all, and couldn't help Xiao Chen.

It was said that Cao Zhen had already come outside the knife field, watching a machete, thunder fist blasted out, and directly smashed the knife field.

Both Pang Yun and Xingguang were taken aback, especially Pang Yun, whose sword domain was shattered by a punch!

When he found Cao Zhen, he was relieved, stunned, and then saluted at the same time as Xingguang, saying: "Master Wolf."

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