Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4080: Respect each other!


Because of the terrifying aura, Bai Wei and others also all rushed out, looking at the confronting Geng Yan and the third prince, shocked.

Xiao Chen's eyes were slightly sinking, with a terrifying aura. These three princes must also be strong in destiny. This discovery made Xiao Chen's heart even more sinking. A prince from the Great Wei Kingdom has such strength. The country did not dare to have any resistance sect, how terrible it would be.

"Geng Yan, get out of my prince!" The third prince roared, raising his hand to pat Geng Yan with a palm, his strength was extremely powerful.

Geng Yan didn't dare to underestimate the three princes, the aura of destruction exploded, and the three princes slapped, and then the two retreated three steps at the same time, and the two were even on par.

In the blink of an eye, the two had a dozen moves against each other.

"The third prince." Suddenly at this moment, a young man with a scar on his eyes, who seemed very fierce, and carrying a machete on his back appeared nearby.

Hearing the sound, the third prince flashed a look of joy, and hurriedly said: "Lao Pang, take that kid down for me."

"No, it's Pang Yun, the first strong under the Three Princes." Bai Wei said in a shocked voice, and at this moment, Pang Yun had been ordered to come straight to Xiao Chen.

"Commander, you go first." Bai Wei and other cheetah members subconsciously stood in front of Xiao Chen, and then rushed to Pang Yun, but before they rushed to Pang Yun, they were all shaken out by Pang Yun.

At the next moment, Pang Yun had already arrived in front of Xiao Chen, and was about to do something, when he discovered that there were two more figures in front of Xiao Chen, it was starlight and moonlight.

Pang Yun frowned slightly, and said solemnly: "What do you mean?"

"Sorry, each is the master, he is our master now." Xingguang said coldly.

"Starlight, Moonlight, have you two betrayed me?" The third prince also heard the voice, suddenly angrily said.

"Sorry the third prince." Xingguang said.

The third prince glanced at the stars and moonlight, then at Xiao Chen, he almost knew why the two would betray him, but.

"Starlight, Moonlight, I know you two already know the origin of that kid, but if I spread the news, do you think you will have a way to survive?"

Moonlight didn’t speak, he used to be starlight, and starlight didn’t speak, but her face was dark. She naturally knew this, but she couldn’t help it, because in the order of the world, there are dozens of strong like monsters. The average strong, if she does not surrender to Xiao Chen, she has only a dead end now.

"It seems that you are determined to betray me, then Pang Yun, you don't need to keep your hands, and even kill the traitors." The third prince said coldly.

"Yes, the third prince." Pang Yun replied, and then drew out the machete behind him. Immediately afterwards, Pang Yun threw the machete in his hand into the sky, and instantly separated thousands of machete, which fell beside the three of Xiao Chen. Surrounded the three of them.

Pang Yun appeared in the knife circle and stared at the three coldly, "In my knife domain, even if you and your wife join forces, there is absolutely no way to survive."

"That's not necessarily." Xingguang said, and then looked at Moonlight at each other. The next moment, Moonlight transformed into a golden armor and put it on Xingguang. In an instant, Xingguang was armed all over his body, and a golden long sword appeared in his hand. .

"Special ability?" Xiao Chen condensed slightly.

Pang Yun obviously knew the abilities of the starlight and moonlight, so there was no change, but with a casual move, a machete appeared in his hand, slashing at the starlight.

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