Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4050: Get off the horse!

"I think we should wash and sleep."

"If there is a will, everything will be done, do you want to watch the people of the world help dominate your head every day, **** and pee?" Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Huh, what you said is light, there are many strong people in the world, can you succeed if you have ambition?" Many people sneered.

"If you can reward us with the two beauties behind you, maybe we are willing to put aside life and death and work with you." Suddenly, someone turned their wretched eyes on Liao Luo and Jiang Fengyu.

"That is, dying under the peony flower is also romantic, dying, and dying is valuable."

There was chaos in the hall.

Only at this moment, Jiang Fengyu's face became cold, and an ice sword was directly inserted into the most wretched person's chest, and immediately all the blood poured out.

The whole hall was quiet for an instant, and everyone looked at the man who fell with a strange expression.

"Why can't you speak well? Why do you have to booze?" Xiao Chen asked helplessly.

"It's alright now, dead, happy."

"But it's finally quiet. Now that it's quiet, let's continue our business. If you are willing to join the Anti-Tianxia Alliance, raise your hands. If you don't, you can leave."

Xiao Chen's voice fell, lowered his feet one by one, and left the hall. In a blink of an eye, there was no one left in the bustling hall just now, only one corpse was left.

Old Pang’s face was full of embarrassment, so embarrassed, one by one under the banner of being an enemy of the Tianxia Gang, and as a result, he did not even dare to join the Anti- Tianxia Gang. I am afraid that he really wants to fight the Tianxia Gang. fast.

"It's a long way to go. This hasn't started, it's over." Geng Bo sighed.

"Now there is only one way left. Since they don't want to take the initiative to join, then we will conquer by force." Xiao Chen said.

"It's up to me to conquer this kind of trivial matter by force, and I will send someone to do it." Geng Bo took the matter over.

"Okay, take this timid old man with him, and let him hit him." Xiao Chen pointed to Old Pang.

"it is good."


After arranging the affairs of the Anti-Tian Xia Gang Alliance, two days later, Cao Zhen personally took Xiao Chen to the Cheetah Special Team's station.

The members of the Cheetah Special Team knew that Xiao Chen was coming. When Xiao Chen came, all the members stood on both sides and welcomed Xiao Chen, including Jing Er who had been in contact before.

"Participate in Lord War Wolf!"

A dark-faced young man walked out and saluted Cao Zhen respectfully. All the other cheetah members also saluted.

"This is the Cheetah Captain Bai Wei, and this is your new Cheetah Commander Killing God, you can contact yourself, I will leave first." Cao Zhen introduced them to the two, then turned and left. The team has one leader, one large captain, and several small captains.

"Cheetah Captain Bai Wei, I have seen Mr. Cheetah. There are 98 cheetahs. All of them are here. Please give instructions." Bai Wei looked at Xiao Chen and shouted in a deep voice like a Hong Zhong. , If you encounter some timid, you may be directly frightened.

"Lord Cheetah, please instruct." All the cheetah team members shouted in unison, their voices rushing into the sky, the terrifying suffocation, and the blackness, gathered together, like a demon.

"Is this your disarming power? I thought it was so great, but it was nothing more than that." Xiao Chen sneered, ignoring the evil spirits around him, and walked slowly to the front among the crowd.

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