Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4049: Irrational species!

"Master Geng Bo, do you want to hold me in your arms? I'll let you experience it." Liao fell forward, grabbing Geng Bo's shoulders, and slammed left and right. The level of violence was shocking.

"Master, do you want to have trouble with the wind and talk about it?" Jiang Fengyu asked suddenly.

"I don't want to." Xiao Chen said flatly, he didn't want to fight Geng with a result.

"You can think about it." Jiang Feng said.

"I really don't want to."

"Don't you really want to?" Jiang Fengyu's voice became cold, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"I think." Xiao Chen changed his words immediately.

"That's right, if you don't want to, I thought I had no charm." Jiang Fengyu became a gentle woman again.

Xiao Chen was silent when he heard Jiang Fengyu's words.

At this moment, Liao Luo stopped and asked Geng Bo, "Do you want to hold me in your arms?"

"I don't want to, I don't want to." Geng Bo hurriedly begged for mercy, but his voice fell, and only one result was obtained, and Liao Luo fell to each other again.

"You don't want to, do you think I have no charm?" Liao Luo asked coldly.

Geng Bo was dizzy and dizzy. Hearing Liao Luo's question, he hurriedly said: "No, no, no, how come you are so charming, of course I want to hold you in my arms."

"Worthy," Liao Luo said coldly, and threw each other around to Geng Bo again.

"Women, really are the most unreasonable species." Xiao Chen sighed.

"Master, are you sure?" Jiang Fengyu's long voice passed.

"Women are the most reasonable species in the world." Xiao Chen hurriedly changed his words and said righteously.

Jiang Fengyu looked at Xiao Chen tenderly, but made Xiao Chen feel extremely cold.

Next, Xiao Chen saw how unreasonable a woman was. Liao Luo kept asking Geng Bo questions. No matter what Geng Bo answered, Liao Luo could find a reason to beat Geng Bo, even if Geng Bo didn’t answer, Liao Luo could find out. Reason, anyway, in the end, Geng Bo was beaten by Liao Luopang.

"You are so pathetic." Xiao Chen looked at Geng Bo with sympathy.

"Poor? I'll show you what is really pitiful." Geng Bo was instantly angry, and hit Xiao Chen, and the two of them fought.

A few days later, Xiao Chen and Geng Bo were sitting on the main seat of the original killing world gang. Jiang Fengyu and Liao Luo stood behind them. Pang Lao stood aside. Hundreds of people gathered below, looking at Xiao Chen and Geng Bo, more eyes were cast on Jiang Fengyu and Liao Luo behind him.

"The people sitting here have hatreds with the Tianxia Gang. We plan to form an anti- Tianxia Gang alliance. I think you are all willing to join." Xiao Chen glanced at the people below and said lightly.

"The Anti-Tianxia Gang Alliance?" Everyone was taken aback. They were not summoned by the Tianxia Gang, how did they become the Anti-Tianxia Gang Alliance again, and what is this Anti-Tianxia Gang Alliance?

"The aim of the Anti-Tianxia Gang Alliance is to get rid of the Tianxia Gang and take revenge." Xiao Chen continued, and as his voice fell, a cold light flashed in the eyes of many people.

"Do you have anything else to ask about the Anti-Tianxia Gang Alliance?" Xiao Chen continued.

"You organized us mobs and resisted the help of the world, are you sure you have no problem with your brain?" a middle-aged man said coldly.

"I think there are not only brain problems, but also neuropathy. For those of us, we don't have enough to stuff the teeth between the Tianxia Gang, and we want to kill the Tianxia Gang?" Another helper sneered.

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