Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4004: Don't want to waste energy!

"What do you mean by this?"

Ge Shang was slightly startled, what does it mean to not waste energy on him?

"I have a strong enemy to deal with, and I can't waste my energy on you. Do you understand now?" He Yuan explained.

"Are you looking down on me?" Ge Shang's face instantly sank, besides him, who else could be He Yuan's opponent, He Yuan said this, clearly humiliating him.

Not to mention, Ge Shang's self-confidence, really few people can compare.

"I didn't mean to look down on you, I really wanted to fight someone else." He Yuan explained hurriedly.

"You just look down on me." Ge Shang said coldly: "You and my name, why do you look down on me? Today we must tell the winner and let everyone see whether it is you, He Yuanqiang, or me. It's even better."

Ge Shang's voice fell, and he had directly attacked He Yuan. He Yuan had no choice but to fight.

No one else in the ring is fighting. They are all watching the battle between He Yuan and Ge Shang. They are waiting for the two to decide the victory or defeat. Maybe they can profit from the fisherman. Otherwise, with their strength, they will not be able to resist the two. Any one of them.

He Yuan was only passively defensive. At this moment, he suddenly swept over. On the edge of the ring, Xiao Chen and Geng Bo were sitting on a small bench, licking melon seeds while watching the battle between him and Ge Shang.

After seeing this scene, He Yuan almost sprayed out a mouthful of old blood. What's the matter with the expressions of these two people watching the show?

"He Yuan, do you have such strength?" Ge Shang rushed towards He Yuan with a stormy fist, with a sneer on his face.

"I said you are annoying, I said that there are strong enemies to deal with, and if you can't waste your energy on you, can't you go to other people?" He Yuan said helplessly.

"Less excuses, you just look down on me, or you want to say that you are inferior to me, if you directly admit that you are inferior to me, then I will let go of you, the defeated man." Ge Shang smiled and asked He Yuan to admit that it was inferior. He lost not only the face of He Yuan, but also the face of the entire He family. He wanted to see if He Yuan would continue to avoid fighting.

"Well, well, I admit that I'm not as good as you." He Yuan said, his main goal is Xiao Chen and Geng Bo, how can there be so much physical strength to entangle Ge Shang.

Hearing He Yuan's words, Ge Shang stopped his attack, his face still a little astonished, He Yuan admitted so simply that he was inferior to him?

The others were also stunned, what is the situation now, He Yuan actually admitted that he is inferior to Ge Shang!

"No, I have heard of the names of He Yuan and Ge Shang for a long time, but I didn't expect He Yuan to even have the courage to fight."

"He's Tianjiao is too spineless, right."

There was a lot of discussion, and the four leaders in the stands also frowned slightly, and the Goshawk leader looked a little ugly: "I wanted to recruit He Yuan into the Goshawk before. Now it seems that it is really disappointing."

"Perhaps he has other plans, he is also He Jia Tianjiao after all." Heihu commander said lightly.

"Anyway, in front of so many people admit that it is not as good as Ge Shang, the He family's face is also lost." The Cheetah leader said lightly.

"What is his purpose for doing this?" Cao Zhen frowned slightly. She didn't believe that a genius at the pinnacle of Unconfused Realm would admit that he was inferior to others in full view. He must have other purposes for doing this.

In the arena, after Ge Shang stopped pestering He Yuan, He Yuan ran to Xiao Chen and Geng Bo, dissatisfied: "You two are too interesting, you are sitting here watching the show."

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