Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4003: The most anticipated battle!

Liang Lezheng's face was a little gloomy, but he didn't care too much. After all, his real trump card in Daliang City was Daolong.

There were many geniuses in the Great Wei Kingdom. As the trials passed, whether it was the imperial capital or the major cities, a large number of geniuses emerged, each with a resounding name, which was remembered by everyone.

At this time, the most noticeable thing is Haotian City, because since the dark horse of Qianmei Yilian, many people have checked the news of Haotian City. When they learned that Haotian City was the bottom of the major cities, All of them showed incredible expressions.

After that, several geniuses from Haotian City enthusiastically emerged. Although they failed to win the champion, they showed remarkable strength and were still recruited into the special team. Among them, the second sister Lan, Luo Chang, and the king Flowers, all joined the wolf.

Although their cultivation bases are not high, both their will and strength are amazing. In addition, they are women, so Cao Zhen was recruited into the wolf.

The four from Haotian City joined the Wolf Warriors, which naturally caused quite a stir.

And Zhu Dachang, Luo Jian, also joined other special teams, as for the genius of the Ye family, they were eliminated.

He Yuan was also taken aback. He didn't expect that these people behind Xiao Chen were so talented.

Geng Bo was also a little bit emotional. Except for him, everyone else was a murderer of the God's Mansion. A force that suddenly emerged but made a show of the limelight at the Feast of Begonias. It seemed a little weird to imagine.

As the trials passed, fewer and fewer people were left, and at this moment, the Fortune Ball worked again.

Xiao Chen looked at the light on his body and then at the light on Geng Bo and He Yuan, silently.

Geng Bo and He Yuan were also stunned, and they did not expect that the three of them would compete on the same stage.

"Let's go, anyway, I didn't enjoy the fight last time. Today the three of us have a good fight." Geng Bo said.

"Third brother, this time we both have full firepower, so please ask yourself more." He Yuan smiled.

"The more you fight, the more courage you are, Fang Xian is a man." Xiao Chen smiled and jumped into the ring first.

Geng Bo and He Yuan smiled and jumped into the ring.

"He Yuan."

As soon as He Yuan jumped onto the ring, there was a voice from the side. He turned his head to look, only to find a young man wearing a brocade robe, a blue crown and narrow cheeks, looking at him with piercing eyes.

"Ge Shang?" He Yuan looked at the young man, slightly startled. Ge Shang is one of the eight great masters of the Ge family. He is powerful and has a reputation comparable to his. People often compare the two of them together. .

However, the two seldom touch and have never played each other, so they don't know who is strong or weak.

"Look, it turned out to be He Yuan and Ge Shang!"

"He Yuan and Ge Shang are on the same stage, this is too exciting, these two geniuses, are they finally going to decide the winner today!"

"I look forward to their battle, I don't know who will win!"

"Master He Yuan, come on!"

"Master Ge Shang, come on!"

Because of the appearance of Ge Shang and He Yuan, the atmosphere in the court has reached an unprecedented high level.

"He Yuan, you heard that too. Everyone hopes that we will have a victory or defeat, so let's just ignore these miscellaneous fish, let's divide it."

Ge Shang directly confronted He Yuan and invited him to fight. He wanted to defeat He Yuan in front of everyone to prove that he was the strongest.

"Well, although I also want to directly tell you a victory or defeat, I'm sorry, I can't waste my energy on you, you can find another opponent."

He Yuan said very sorry.

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