Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3982: Interception of the prairie!

"Unexpectedly, you are still a money fan." Daolong said silently.

"Hey, thank you for the compliment." Xiao Chen said, then looked at the youth and said, "How about, do you want to join us?"

"No, we will have a period later, but you remember, next time we meet, I will kill you." The young man rejected Xiao Chen's proposal.

"Welcome is very welcome. As long as you have rough stones, you can trouble me at will." Xiao Chen said very welcome.

"Humph!" The youth snorted coldly, and left with his people.

Xiao Chen spread his hands, he still wanted to make a fortune.

"Okay, we should also set off." Daolong said helplessly. The crowd cleaned up, then left here and continued to set off. In the middle of the journey, they met the kitten several times. Fortunately, he had enough inventory and held the beast. Leather and down jacket, sent the kitten away.

After a few days, they finally walked out of the cold river and came to the last prairie.

"Hey, another newcomer is here."

On the prairie, there was a group of young people with sticks. After seeing Xiao Chen and the others appear, they didn't talk nonsense, they rushed over with the sticks, and hit Xiao Chen and the others.

"Who are you guys!"

As they fought back, everyone asked loudly that they had just stepped into the grassland and were attacked before they had time to rest. They were very angry now.

"You don't need to know who we are, you just have to be beaten by us!" The faces of this group of people are full of sneers and their hands are merciless. In just a short period of time, there are many people. Colors hung on his body.

"If I am not mistaken, they are the geniuses of the Imperial Capital participating in the Feast of Begonias. The last hurdle is to gather on the prairie. It is not just the geniuses who have passed the trials in major cities, but also the geniuses of the Imperial Capital. Appear." At this moment, Daolong suddenly said.

"No wonder." Xiao Chen said. These people are not only powerful, but they are full of disdain when they look at them, just like looking at a hillbilly, making him very uncomfortable.

"I don't care whether you are the geniuses of the imperial capital or which ones, but you are not stopping, so don't blame us for being rude."

Xiao Chen shouted in a deep voice.

"Hahaha, you're welcome, a group of hillbillies from a small city, I want to see how you are not very kind!" Hearing this, the group of people laughed, full of sarcasm and disdain.

Anger appeared on the faces of Daolong and others, but Xiao Chen's mouth was sneered, and he said lightly: "Prepare to go to war!"

When the voice fell, Xiao Chen directly took out Gatlin, Qianmei Yilian, Zhu Dachang and others also took out Gatlin, Sword Dragon also took out one, and others, a dozen of Gatlin. Lin, aimed at this group of people.

"This is a weapon invented by the National Normal University!"

After seeing so many Gatlins, the geniuses of the imperial capital slowly stopped, looking at Gatlin, frowning, they still knew the power of Gatling, and now more than a dozen Gatlins are facing them. , Suddenly they felt frustrated.

"How about it, do you want to try it, how does it feel to be shot into a sieve?" Xiao Chen sneered.

"You got so many special weapons?" The leader said solemnly.

"Get out of the way!" Xiao Chen said coldly.

"Boy, don't be too arrogant." The leader said angrily.

"I'm just arrogant, I'm not convinced to come to fight!" Xiao Chen said coldly, and dozens of Gatling, all loaded, all aimed at the surrounding geniuses, swept out a sense of killing.

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