Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3981: Increase your value!

Xiao Chen and the others watched the formed avalanche. They had no time to escape and were directly submerged by the avalanche. The youth and others were also submerged by the avalanche. In addition, their skins were robbed, and they didn't know if they would freeze to death.

After the avalanche stopped, Xiao Chen and others came out one by one. Everyone was fine, and the young man and others also came out. Fortunately, their physical fitness was strong enough that they were not frozen to death.

Xiao Chen and the others directly surrounded the youth and his party. Xiao Chen smiled and said, "Now the spirit beasts have run away, and your biggest trump card is gone. You said I should kill you, kill you? , Kill it!"

"Stop talking nonsense, kill if you want to kill!" The young man stared at Xiao Chen and said coldly. He would never have thought that things would happen like this. It was obviously a matter of hand, but because Xiao Chen and others were unexpectedly united and young The cat broke in, causing them to be defeated.

"The bones are quite hard, but I am not a good killer. I can save your lives, but you have to buy your lives with rough stones. One life is two hundred rough stones. It's very cheap." Xiao Chen smiled.

"What, two hundred rough stones, do you look down on us?" Hearing this, the young man was suddenly angry. His life was only worth two hundred rough stones. Isn't this humiliating him!

"The three hundred rough stones!" Xiao Chen said.

"Three hundred rough stones, who do you humiliate, at least three thousand rough stones." The young man refused to accept his life, but his life is very precious, so he directly mentioned three hundred rough stones to three thousand rough stones.

"Three thousand rough stones are three thousand rough stones. Bring it." Xiao Chen said. At this time, everyone looked at the youth with idiotic eyes, especially the youth's companions. They looked at the youth with idiots and resentment. Obviously, they can survive by taking out two hundred rough stones, but now they have to take out three thousand rough stones, which is so expensive, how can they not complain or hate.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" the young man frowned.

"Are you an idiot? Obviously we only need to spend two hundred rough stones to survive, but now we have to pay three thousand. Do you think you have too many rough stones." A young companion said coldly.

"What do you know, as long as two hundred rough stones, this kid is clearly humiliating us, are you willing to be humiliated!" the young man said coldly.

The companion's expression was startled, he was really willing to be humiliated. After all, three thousand rough stones were a big burden.

Xiao Chen was also a little speechless, he really didn't think so much, let alone humiliate them, but he got so many rough stones in vain, his mouth was so happy that he split.

The youth's companions were unwilling to take out three thousand rough stones, and did not forget to give the youth a stern look.

The young man was full of grievances. He did this for them not to be humiliated. What do they mean by staring at him like that.

"For your generous sake, these animal skins will be given to you for free, so that you won’t be frozen to death." Xiao Chen got so many rough stones, he was happy in his heart, and naturally became generous. They were given to the youth for free.

The young people didn't thank them either, they just wore animal skins on them.

"If you want to join us, of course you need to pay for the initial fee. How about fifty rough stones per person?" Xiao Chen asked, looking at the young people wearing animal skins and the others.

"What's your operation?" Daolong couldn't help asking. Just now the youth and others were going to kill Xiao Chen, but now Xiao Chen wants to invite them to join, he can't understand what Xiao Chen means.

"For the sake of the original stone, all grievances can be eliminated." Xiao Chen said.

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