Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3956: Too much change!

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Chen found Yin Weiyang's panicked figure in the distance, and behind her, a group of huge red fire ants were chasing her.

Xiao Chen looked at Yin Weiyang's panicked face and was startled. This was the Yin Weiyang he was familiar with, not the cold Yin Weiyang.

Xiao Chen didn't hesitate, ran towards Yin Weiyang, and then took out Gatlin for a burst of fire. Under Gatling's fire, many fire ants fell down, and then Xiao Chen took Yin Weiyang and quickly left the place. .

"Xiao Chen, thank you for saving me, I was so to you before." Yin Weiyang looked at Xiao Chen with gratitude on his face.

"It seems you know what happened before." Xiao Chen said.

"I'm sorry, I actually don't know how to explain it. Anyway, she's me, and I'm her too. I know what she did. She also knows what I did. She doesn't know when she will become me. , I don't know when I will become her, anyway, I'm really sorry for being so to you before." Yin Weiyang said that was messy, she didn't know how to explain it, anyway, she was apologetic.

Xiao Chen also listened in a mess, and hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Okay, okay, I don't mind. Next, I want to cross this desert. Will you continue to follow me or act by yourself?"

"Can I still follow you?" Yin Weiyang looked at Xiao Chen in surprise.

"of course can."

"I thought you would think it would be a trouble for me." Yin Weiyang said with some loss. Xiao Chen glanced at Yin Weiyang. It seems that because of this incident, she has also suffered a lot of scorn and discrimination.

"Well, in my heart, you are just like my sister. I will not abandon you." Xiao Chen smiled and rubbed Yin Weiyang's little head.

"Sister, even if it's a younger sister, that's not the reason for you to touch your head." At this moment, Yin Weiyang's cold voice came over. Hearing Yin Weiyang's voice, Xiao Chen was startled and looked down. , I don't know when, Yin Weiyang's eyes are already cold.

"Damn!" As soon as these two words appeared in Xiao Chen's heart, he was thrown out by Yin Weiyang and fell to the ground severely.

Xiao Chen got up from the ground and looked at Yin Weiyang, who was cold all over his body. He didn't know whether to cry or laugh. This little loli who was prone to arouse men's protective desire just now became a stranger not to enter. The indifferent girl, the changes between these are too big.

"You are still the first person who dares to take advantage of this seat, sister, hum, you also have that qualification." Yin Weiyang said indifferently, a sharp sword appeared in his hand, and he slashed against Xiao Chen, suddenly Xiao Chen's upper body His clothes were chopped to pieces.

"This time it's just a lesson, stay away from that little girl in the future, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

Yin Weiyang said indifferently. When the voice fell, he was about to leave, but just at this moment, Yin Weiyang's face flashed with struggle, and the indifferent aura disappeared instantly. Looking at the messy Xiao Chen, he said in a lack of tone: "Xiao Chen, I Can you still call your brother?"

Looking at the timidity and expectation in Yin Weiyang’s eyes, Xiao Chen suddenly asked the heavens without a word, whether this was a face change technique, a split personality, or simply another person. Xiao Chen didn’t know, but just looked at Yin Weiyang’s expectant small eyes. Still smiled and nodded: "Of course."

As for the threat of the indifferent woman just now, Xiao Chen didn't take it seriously.

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