Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3955: Yin Weiyang's changes!

On the edge of the lake, Xiao Chen and Yin Weiyang had already cleaned the battlefield. At this time, they were grilling shark meat. With Xiao Chen's craftsmanship, there would be no problem naturally, and Yin Weiyang was eating very cheerfully.

After eating and drinking, Yin Weiyang closed his eyes and fell on Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen was taken aback and found that Yin Weiyang was asleep.

"This girl, do you sleep when you are full, and you are not at all defensive." Xiao Chen was a little helpless, and was trying to make Yin Weiyang sleep more comfortable, but at this moment, he realized that Yin Weiyang opened his eyes and has woken up. .

"Why are you awake?" Xiao Chen asked suspiciously.

Yin Weiyang didn't speak, but stared at Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen's face frowned, and then his face sank: "Who are you?"

Yin Weiyang's eyes were full of indifference, completely different from those of Yin Weiyang before.


Yin Weiyang didn't speak at all, just a powerful breath that shook Xiao Chen flying out.

After Xiao Chen stabilized his figure, he stared at "Yin Weiyang" and said in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

"Yin Weiyang." Yin Weiyang said coldly: "Xiao Chen, thank you for taking care of it before, let's not pass it!"

"Hold on!" Looking at Yin Weiyang, who was about to leave, Xiao Chen shouted in a deep voice, "You can explain clearly to me, what is going on?"

"I don't need to explain to you." Yin Weiyang glanced at Xiao Chen coldly, and then stepped on her foot, already volleying up.

"Where to go!" Xiao Chen hadn't figured out what was going on, how could it be possible for Yin Weiyang to leave, he immediately went forward and grabbed Yin Weiyang's clothes, but before Xiao Chen could exert his strength, he had already been shaken out.

"Don't pester me, or don't blame me for ignoring my previous feelings." Yin Weiyang said coldly, striding directly across the lake and heading away, but at this moment, the water in the lake rolled, and then appeared again. A giant octopus, countless tentacles slew towards Yin Weiyang above his head.

A sharp sword appeared in Yin Weiyang's hand, the sword light flashed, the countless tentacles of the giant octopus were all cut off, and they fell weakly into the lake. At this moment, Yin Weiyang's sharp sword swiped lightly, and the octopus was already Be divided into two.

Yin Weiyang didn't even glance at the octopus, but disappeared.

"Good strength." Looking at the octopus's body, Xiao Chen was a little dignified, but what was going on? Why did Yin Weiyang suddenly change his personality, his personality was completely different, whether it was rebirth or something, Xiao Chen was full of doubts. .

After Yin Weiyang left, Xiao Chen recovered one more person, and every day he either killed the strange spirit beast or was chased by the strange spirit beast, and a few days later, he finally obtained the map.

After reading the map, Xiao Chen wanted to scold his mother. The map is complete and the location of the ancient castle is clear. However, he is now in the ancient jungle farthest from the ancient castle. To reach the ancient castle, he needs to go through the ancient jungle. Then there are ancient deserts, ancient rivers, ancient glaciers, and ancient grasslands to reach the so-called ancient castles.

Needless to think about it, these places are definitely full of weird spirit beasts. It seems that he still has a long way to go.

After packing up his mood, Xiao Chen spent three days walking out of the ancient jungle. What he saw was a desert. Looking around, it was all desert. In the desert, there were bones, slowly sinking into the desert.

"Help!" At this moment, a voice of help suddenly came, and Xiao Chen was taken aback. Isn't this Yin Weiyang's voice?

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