Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3951: A shark that can run!

Yin Weiyang finally recovered, watching Xiao Chen hurriedly thanked him.

"Thank you Xiao Chen."

"It's too early to say thank you." Xiao Chen didn't let go of Yin Weiyang, because at this moment, a few tentacles appeared in the lake, stabbing them at the two, as if they were going to be skewered.

Xiao Chen hugged Yin Weiyang from the left to the right and hid, while at the edge of the lake, he was pierced with tentacles one after another, the penetrating power of the tentacle was terrifying.

At this moment, bubbles came from the lake, and then, a huge monster appeared on the surface of the water, and Xiao Chen and the others finally saw the real murderer who attacked them, it was a giant octopus.

"Let's retreat into the jungle first." Xiao Chen said, turning around and running without any muddle, but at this moment, the octopus tentacles in the lake stirred for a while, and then a tornado formed directly in the lake. The tornado swept the lake towards Xiao. Chen and others attacked, and the top of the tornado was the octopus.

Not only that, Xiao Chen also discovered that small creatures flew out of the tornado, like sharp swords, piercing through the big trees.

Xiao Chen glanced intently, and was immediately shocked. The small creatures turned out to be sharks with legs. The sharks’ teeth were very sharp. The big stone trees were like tofu, and they broke with one bite. The shark was moving quickly, chasing after Xiao Chen and the others.

"Damn, what kind of weird is this national teacher? What kind of weird creatures have been made!" Xiao Chen was speechless to the extreme, and he was not running anymore. It was enough to be chased by mice, and now he was chased by sharks. Have suffered this kind of bullying.

Xiao Chen put down Yin Weiyang and killed him with nine swords in his hand. Although he couldn't use his primitive power, he could still kill these small sharks with his physical power.

A small shark with a slash, but the small sharks are like ants, densely packed, and Xiao Chen can't even kill it for a while.

At this moment, there was a sound that was very pleasing to the ears. It was crisp and sweet, so it was indescribable to hear. After hearing the sound, the sharks gradually fell into a deep sleep.

"Xiao Chen, go!" At this moment, Yin Weiyang shouted.

Xiao Chen glanced at the small sharks sleeping around, came to Yin Weiyang's side, hugged Yin Weiyang in his waist, and ran.

After being picked up by Xiao Chen, Yin Weiyang's face was a little blushing, and he hurriedly said: "Those spirit beasts will wake up soon, let's leave here as soon as possible."

"Okay." Xiao Chen nodded, the speed at his feet did not abate, the dangers in the jungle, he not only had to escape, but also be careful of the strange spirit beasts that jumped out from time to time.

Xiao Chen and the others stopped when they came to a place where the surrounding rocks were clearly visible. They sat on the rocks and prepared to rest for a while.

"Are you a person with special abilities?" Xiao Chen asked while resting.

Yin Weiyang nodded: "My singing can make the spirit beast fall asleep, but the time is very short. I used to let the praying mantis fall into a drowsiness and escaped."

"It turned out to be like this. Thank you for helping me just now. As a thank you, I give this to you." Xiao Chen said that a small stone with colorful lights appeared in his hand, like a diamond, very beautiful.

"Is this for me?" Yin Weiyang looked at the little stone in Xiao Chen's hand with some joy. It was colorful and really beautiful.

"Of course." Xiao Chen said.

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