Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3950: A praying mantis!

There is a chase in the ancient jungle.

A group of rats were chasing Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen fled in embarrassment. He could not use his primitive power and could only fight with his physical power. Although he could kill all these rats, it was likely that both sides would suffer. The danger is ignorant, and the best choice is to maintain strength all the time.

I don’t know how long it has been running, Xiao Chen suddenly felt something moving in front of him, and then a awkward figure appeared in front of Xiao Chen. It was a girl with panic on her face, and behind him, a huge praying mantis, Is chasing the girl.

When Xiao Chen saw the girl, the girl also saw Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen pulled the girl over and ran to the side, while the praying mantis and the mouse also directly faced each other.

In the next moment, the mouse directly abandoned Xiao Chen's flesh between his teeth and attacked the praying mantis. The mantis also abandoned the girl and faced the group of rats.

Xiao Chen looked back and found that the front legs of the praying mantis were very sharp. Those rats, like fruits, were easily cut open by the praying mantis. The praying mantis did not fall into the wind.

The girl swallowed, her small face was full of panic. Fortunately, she ran fast, otherwise her small body would not be able to stop the praying mantis.

Xiao Chen was also a little surprised. This praying mantis was really powerful, but it was a pity that it was outnumbered. There were too many rats. Soon, the rats fell to the ground.

"Let's leave here first." Xiao Chen pulled the girl, and the girl finally recovered and nodded. The two hurriedly left until they found a safer place, and the two stopped.

The two rested for a while before the girl looked at Xiao Chen and asked, "My name is Yin Weiyang, what is your name?"

"Xiao Chen." Xiao Chen glanced at the girl, a little moved in his heart, so pure eyes, without any impurities, as if they shouldn't have appeared in this world. .

"Thank you for saving me just now." Yin Weiyang said gratefully.

"Actually, you don't have to thank me. If it wasn't for the praying mantis you brought, I couldn't get out easily." Xiao Chen was telling the truth. If it wasn't for the praying mantis that attracted most of the mice's attention, he couldn't easily get out. Get away.

"Then I should thank you too. If it weren't for the mouse you attracted, I would have died under that mantis's claw." Yin Weiyang expressed his gratitude again.

"Then we can thank each other, we can be regarded as saving each other." Xiao Chen looked at the gratitude on Yin Weiyang's small face, and said with a smile.

"it is good."

Xiao Chen chatted with Yin Weiyang again, and reported each other's calendar. Yin Weiyang rested for a while, then walked to a small lake not far away, wanting to clean it.

Xiao Chen looked at Yin Weiyang, who was squatting next to the lake for cleaning, and suddenly felt a danger coming. This was his sixth sense, a feeling that worked countless times. Xiao Chen's solemn gaze swept around, and finally fell on the lake. in.

Xiao Chen ran towards Yin Weiyang without hesitation, and at this moment, a sharp tentacle stretched out from the lake and pierced towards Yin Weiyang.

Yin Weiyang seemed to have sensed something. He raised his head and saw the tentacles coming to her for his life. Yin Weiyang forgot to scream and escape, but looked at the deadly tentacles dumbly.

Just as the tentacles were about to pierce her, a figure flashed past, holding Yin Weiyang and rolling around, directly avoiding the tentacles' attack.

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