Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3942: Bow left and right!

"This kid is too bold." Geng Bo did not expect that Xiao Chen would dare to do this.

After Xiao Chen fell a few times, he released Geng Yan. Geng Yan's face was calm, without anger or shame, as if she was not the one who had just been thrown.

"The next trick is called Left-Right Bowing!" Geng Yan continued, before Xiao Chen's reaction, Xiao Chen slapped his face, and then Xiao Chen completely understood what left-right bowing was. Like the city lord, he slapped his face.

The anger in Xiao Chen's heart used to be him slapped in the face, but he didn't expect to be kicked by a woman today. Is this the so-called Feng Shui rotation?

After Geng Yan finished the fight, she stopped and looked at Xiao Chen lightly, but she moved her face forward, as if she wanted Xiao Chen to do it.

"Kill God, if you dare to do it, I will fight you hard!" Geng Bo shouted from the side.

"Kill God, you are doing it after you think about it." Overlord Flower also said.

"Bow left and right!" Xiao Chen directly moved his hands, without seeing any movements, and invisible hands appeared. Of course, although Xiao Chen was angry, he would not slap Geng Yan in the face, but directly hit Geng Yan on the shoulder.

Feeling the strangeness on her shoulders, strange thoughts arose in Geng Yan's heart. This was her first physical contact with the opposite **** since she was a child, and it was still several times.

"You don't need to experiment. I can learn no matter what moves you use." Xiao Chen said lightly after stopping. With the cheat device of the system, some stunts may not be too proficient, but there is absolutely no problem in using them.

"Really?" Geng Yan sneered. Suddenly there were a few more hands behind him, like a Thousand-Hand Guanyin. Xiao Chen's gaze suddenly condensed. This is the sky-killing start-up style. The next moment, Geng Yan's hand is shot On Xiao Chen's head, Xiao Chen was like a stake, nailed into the ring at once, leaving only one head.

"After learning, come to the City Lord's Mansion to find me." Geng Yan left a sentence and left directly.

"Killing God, I really didn't expect that if you were so courageous and dare to do something with my sister, your good time is over." Geng Bo looked at Xiao Chen, turned and left.

Xiao Chen used force in his body and jumped out directly.

"It's okay." Qianmei Yilian said.

"It's okay, let's go back first." Xiao Chen said, extinguishing the sky-style starting position, why did Geng Yan do, Xiao Chen fell into thought.

The next day, Geng Bo personally came to Kill God's Mansion.

"My sister is looking for you." After Geng Bo saw Xiao Chen, his face was full of gloat.

"The city lord is looking for me, as to make you happy like this?" Xiao Chen frowned slightly.

"Of course." Geng Bo smiled.

"What's the matter with the city lord looking for me?"

"Naturally it is because of yesterday's events. Let me tell you the truth. My sister is not only paranoid, but also doesn't like lying. What you said yesterday is a lie to her. Faced with this situation, she won't treat you. After correcting the lie, she will not give up."

Geng Bo patted Xiao Chen on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Is he admitting that he lied, or is he caught and practiced every day in the future? Think about it yourself."

"Aren't I just being handsome? How could things become like this?" Xiao Chen said silently.

"The blame is on your bad luck. Who made you say this was heard by my sister." Geng Bo smiled happily.

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