Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3941: Did not learn it!

Seeing Geng Bo's anxious expression, Xiao Chen was even more puzzled.

"What the **** do you mean."

"Listen..." Before Geng Bo finished speaking, Geng Yan swept over coldly, and Geng Bo shut up immediately, afraid to speak.

"Are you sure you haven't lied, are you sure you learned after watching the Bai family's children display Fengshen legs?" Geng Yan said seriously.

Xiao Chen ignored Geng Bo's eyes and nodded.

Seeing Xiao Chen nodded, Geng Bo immediately gave Xiao Chen a self-conscious expression.

"Is that right? I have a trick here. I will show you twice. I want to see if you can learn it." Geng Yan said, the voice fell, and the whole person appeared directly behind Xiao Chen. His arms were as soft as a long snake. Xiao Chen didn't respond, so Geng Yan twisted his arms behind him and locked them directly.

"The second time." Geng Yan let go of Xiao Chen, and before Xiao Chen could speak, he did the same, and locked Xiao Chen once.

Geng Yan let Xiao Chen go, and said lightly: "I've done it twice."

"City Lord, what do you mean by this?" Xiao Chen was a little confused.

"Since you said you didn't lie, then show the snake-wrapper I just used, otherwise you will obediently admit that you lied." Geng Yan said.

Xiao Chen stared at Geng Yan dumbfounded, what was the situation, why Geng Yan had to entangle this matter with him, he was just playing handsome, pretending to be forced, why did it become like this.

"Let's say it, you should admit that you lied obediently." Geng Bo gloated. His sister Geng Yan is not only persistent, but also hates lying. She will definitely correct anyone who lied. In fact, the words of Vice City Lord Liang before Lie, because Geng Yan can beat Deputy City Lord Liang, this is the truth.

"Snake hands, right?" Xiao Chen said, he really got on the bar with Geng Yan, and the voice fell. Xiao Chen suddenly appeared behind Geng Yan, his whole body as soft as a long snake, spinning around Geng Yan twice. , Locked Geng Yan's arms behind her back.

Xiao Chen only felt a scent filling his nose, and at the same time, the physical contact was very soft, which made Xiao Chen a little worried.

But Geng Bo and the others watched this scene dumbfounded. It was not that Xiao Chen used the snake-wrapping hand. What made them dumbfounded was that Xiao Chen dared to use Geng Yan as a test subject. This is not an old birthday star hanging himself and seeking death. !

Geng Yan was also a little dazed, feeling the strong man's breath behind her, her face was reddish, she was so beautiful, but it was a pity that no one saw it.

After Xiao Chen reacted, he hurriedly released the person, and Geng Yan also returned to normal.

"This trick is to tore your hands from left to right." Geng Yan, as if nothing had happened before, suddenly grabbed Xiao Chen by the collar with one hand and lifted Xiao Chen directly, and then threw it left and right. Suddenly, there was a thumping sound from the ring sound.

Seeing Geng Yan's movements, everyone felt a sharp pain in their bodies.

After falling twenty times, Geng Yan released Xiao Chen and asked faintly: "Have you learned?"

Xiao Chen was dizzy and dizzy. He looked at Geng Yan with a calm face and hated him. Geng Yan was clearly avenging his personal revenge. He gritted his teeth and said: "Learned."

When the voice fell, Xiao Chen stepped forward, grabbed Geng Yan's clothes, and amidst the stunned expressions of everyone, he also slammed each other.

Looking at this scene, everyone wiped the cold sweat from their heads, and at the same time prayed for Xiao Chen, hoping that Xiao Chen would not die too miserably for a while.

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