Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3918: Geng Bo and Geng Yang compete!

"Recovered some memories, how is the situation of Guiyuezong?" Sect Master Wu Ji asked lightly.

"It's okay." Xiao Chen briefly talked about the matter of returning to Yuezong. After listening, Sect Master Wu Ji fell into silence. After a while, she sighed and said: "Is Xiao Wu the Sect Master? Her talent Not bad, it’s just that the primitive spirit of the Great Wei State is still too thin, and Guiyue Sect may not be able to develop well."

"I won’t talk about Guiyuezong. Some time ago, I remembered that in the imperial capital of the Wei Kingdom, there are still a lot of resources left by me. Among them, there is a kind of medicine that will help my recovery. If you have time, If you do, go and fetch it for me."

"Yes, Master!" Xiao Chen said. Xiao Chen chatted for a while, knocking on the side, and after not getting any useful information, he withdrew from the trial tower, put it away, then bid farewell to the five elders and went back to Lion Valley. After that, he returned to the City Lord Mansion of Haotian City.

When Xiao Chen returned to the City Lord's Mansion, he got news that Geng Yang was going to fight Geng unexpectedly.

"Master Geng Bo, are you going to fight Geng Yang?" Xiao Chen asked in surprise.

"Well, not only me, but you also have to fight." Geng Bo said.

"What, I want to fight, what's up with me?" Xiao Chen asked in surprise.

"The master wants to fight, and the servants naturally want to fight. I will fight with Geng Yang. You will fight with the weakest person under Geng Yang. You can't lose this time. We have made a bet. A bet between the masters. About three thousand rough stones, the bet between the servants is two starting stones, so you must not lose." Geng Bo said.

"Two starting stones?" Xiao Chen asked in surprise. In Haotian City, there are direct selling starting stones, and the price of each starting stone is at least a thousand rough stones. Geng Bo and Geng Yang will not say anything. These servants of them bet on two starting stones, which is a very big deal.

"They think I will lose." Xiao Chen said.

"They don’t know your strength, so it’s normal to think so, but that kid Geng Yang has been shameless since he was a child. Even if you only have the First Mating Realm triple, he will use the First Ming Realm peak power to deal with you, if it is more shameless. , Maybe he will directly dispatch and stand up to the strong." Geng Bo said calmly.

"And the strong standing realm, no." Xiao Chen opened his mouth wide.

"With that kid's shameless character, it's very possible." Geng Bo nodded seriously.

"Then Master Geng Bo, you have to give me something to save my life." Xiao Chen hurriedly said.

"No." Geng Bo gave Xiao Chen a white glance.

"That's okay to have some super stunts. Mietian Qijue Knife is not only good, and there is no way to use it. Then I will lose this time. The two starting stones of Master Geng Bo have been hit by the water, then But the two starting stones are so distressed."

Xiao Chen said with a painful expression, as if it were his starting stone to lose.

Geng Bo looked at Xiao Chen with a speechless expression. This kid dared to blackmail something from him. Is he too kind to him?

"Killing God, isn't this young master being too kind to you?" Geng Bo's voice fell a little bit cold, and a discerning person could tell that Geng Bo was a little angry at a glance, and Xiao Chen was very angry.

It is a pity that Xiao Chen is not a discerning person, and said straightforwardly: "Of course, Master Geng Bo is the best to me, Master Geng Bo is the best young master."

Xiao Chen flattered it directly.

Geng Bo gave Xiao Chen a blank look again, and was too lazy to care about Xiao Chen, and then threw a jade slip to Xiao Chen, and said lightly: "This is the top stunt of the City Lord's Mansion, Meteor Fire Fist. In the competition three days later, if you dare to lose , I broke your neck."

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