Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3917: who am I! where am I!

"I'm afraid I'm not, but my cultivation base is low, and the shots are not serious. If I accidentally hurt you, wouldn't it hurt our relationship?" Xiao Chen said with a smile.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Ye Chong's face twitched. What is a low cultivation base, for fear of hurting him?

"Kill God, you don't give me face, do you look down on me?" Ye Chong's expression sank.

"How come, I have never looked at you." Xiao Chen said hurriedly, with grievances still hanging on his face.

Ye Chong's expression became stiff, his face sank completely, and he didn't want to fight with Xiao Chen. He coldly said, "Kill God, I don't want to talk nonsense with you. If you want to learn from you today, you have to learn from each other. We also have to learn from each other."

When the voice fell, Ye Chong directly exploded with the five-fold aura of the first destiny, and hit Xiao Chen with a palm.

"Hey, why bother yourself." Xiao Chen sighed, without seeing any movement, Ye Chong squatted down in front of Xiao Chen.

"Who am I? Where am I? What just happened?" Ye Chong lay on the ground with a dazed expression. He didn't find how he fell to the ground at all. Don't talk about him. No one else saw Xiao Chen take action. , Ye Chong was found to have fallen on the ground.

Ye Chong stood up from the ground and looked at Xiao Chen and said, "What did you just do?"

"I didn't do anything. You were lying directly in front of me, still throwing the ground with five bodies. I thought you admired me." Xiao Chen said with an innocent look.

"I admire your sister!" Ye Chong cursed in his heart, and then coldly said: "I'm going to attack, be careful."

When the voice fell, Ye Chong attacked Xiao Chen again, but in the next moment, with the cry of lying down, Ye Chong lay down on the ground again and took a bite of the dirt, embarrassed.

"What the **** is going on?" Ye Chong had no idea what happened.

"Ye Chong, I'm a little embarrassed for you to worship me like this." Xiao Chen said a little embarrassed.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Ye Chong almost didn't catch his breath. He was even more convinced that it must be Xiao Chen's ghost.

"You guys, let me go together!" Ye Chong stopped talking, and directly called the other people to beat Xiao Chen, but after a while, they all lay on the ground, face to the ground, very rhythmic.

"Don't waste your effort, Ye Chong, now you are not worthy of supporting me!" Xiao Chen was reluctant to play, and shot them all right away.

"Is he already so strong? There are so many inner disciples who are not enough to fight him. They are indeed the direct disciples of Sect Master Wu Ji." Gui Fu looked at Xiao Chen with shock in his eyes and a trace of worship. .

"Let's go, I have something to ask you." Xiao Chen said to Guifu.

"Oh, good." After Gui Fu reacted, he hurriedly followed Xiao Chen, and the two found a quiet place.

"Guifu, is the trial tower used at the transfer station still here?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Oh, here I am." Guifu said as he took out a model tower. After returning to the primitive world, the trial tower lost its function, but Guifu didn't throw it away.

Xiao Chen accepted the trial tower, thanked him, and left Guiyue Sect.

Xiao Chen found an open place, restarted the trial tower, then entered the trial tower, and saw the Sect Master Dancer!

"Master, how are you recovering?" Xiao Chen bowed, then asked.

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