Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3901: Long-lost sister!

He Yingjie looked at the falling Fifth Elder. The next moment, he was stunned, his eyes fixed on the Fifth Elder without blinking.

"I know I'm beautiful, but it's rude to stare at a beautiful woman like this, and who are you?" the fifth elder asked.

Hearing this, He Yingjie finally reacted, but his eyes still did not leave the fifth elders.

The Fifth Elder frowned suddenly.

"Master, he won't like you anymore, I think he is pretty good. If Master also likes him, it's better to have a company with you two." Overlord Hua said with a smile.

"Go away, dare to make a joke about being a teacher!" The Fifth Elder said with a smile.

"Master, disciple, isn't this for the sake of your lifelong affairs?" Overlord Hua said with a smile.

"Master, how do I feel that he is a bit like you?" Ling Fang also came up and said.

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback, and then carefully looked at He Yingjie and the Fifth Elder. From this look, they really found that the faces of the two were a bit similar.

The Fifth Elder was also stunned when he heard Ling Fang's words, and then looked at He Yingjie carefully. She found that not only did He Yingjie look a bit like her, but she also had a faint familiar feeling.

"Like, too much." At this moment, He Yingjie said suddenly.

"What's so similar?" the fifth elder asked.

"You are very similar to my deceased mother, it was carved out of the same mold." He Yingjie said.

"Are you scolding me?" The fifth elder's expression sank, and what did she mean when she said that she looked like a dead person?

"I once left a younger sister." He Yingjie said.

"You don't mean to say that I am your lost sister?" The fifth elder laughed.

He Yingjie nodded.

"This is too funny." The fifth elder said, she is an orphan, when did she have an extra brother.

"If you don't believe it, we can confess with blood." He Yingjie said, not only the appearance is very similar to his mother, but also the familiar breath, which convinced him that the woman in front of him is his long-lost sister. .

"Bullshit, I'm still engaged in blood confession, don't you know that it is useless at all." said the fifth elder.

"Since you are unwilling to confess your relatives with a drop of blood, how about you recognize me as a godfather?" He Yingjie said, he did not force the fifth elders, he could feel that the fifth elders were very disgusted. At this moment, I suddenly heard that I still had an older brother, and he couldn't accept it for a while.

"You haven't said yet, who are you." The Fifth Elder did not answer.

He Yingjie was a little disappointed, but he also knew that this matter could not come in a hurry, so he said: "My name is He Yingjie, I am the Patriarch of Haotiancheng He family!"

"Haotiancheng He Family?" The Fifth Elder was surprised. She naturally knew He Family, "What are you doing here?"

"I came for him." He Yingjie pointed to Heling and said.

The Fifth Elder looked at Heling and found that it was someone he didn't know. He was suddenly confused, and then looked at Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen smiled and recounted the origins of Heling and what happened to Heling.

After listening, He Yingjie and the five elders both looked at He Ling a little weirdly. He Ling was actually adopted by the Greyhound as a pet?

Especially He Yingjie, he knew He Ling's ability to control beasts, but he never thought that He Ling would one day be enslaved by spirit beasts.

Seeing the two people's weird expressions, He Ling couldn't wait to find a place to drill down. It was too shameful.

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