Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3900: He Family Patriarch!

The news of Hejia spirit beasts escaping, Haotian City's other forces also knew. He family suddenly became the laughing stock of everyone. There was no way. He family was most proud of the spirit beasts. They often showed themselves in front of other forces. Now all the spirit beasts fled, they naturally Will not miss the opportunity to fall into trouble.

"This matter must have been done by the old man Heling." He Qiao scolded.

In the main seat of the discussion hall, sitting a serious-looking middle-aged man, his appearance is somewhat similar to He Qiao, he is He Yingjie, the head of the He family.

He Yingjie looked at He Qiao with a cold expression: "You took Master Heling to catch the spirit beast. This is the spirit beast you caught? The spirit beast didn't catch it. Instead, the army of spirit beasts we have accumulated over 20 years of hard work. All ran away, do you know how much loss this has to our He family?"

"Sorry father, I didn't expect Heling to be planted in a remote mountainous area. He is also known as the strongest animal master. I think he is bragging." He Qiao complained.

"Shut up. If you weren't my only son, I would have slapped you to death. If something happens, I will only shirk responsibility. What else can you do!"

He Yingjie slapped the table, and the terrifying anger swept across the hall. Everyone in the hall was startled. He Qiao was trembling with fright. He didn't dare to speak, but he scolded He Ling all over the place. .

"Patriarch, don't get angry, let's think about what to do first." An old man persuaded that he was one of the other three strong people in the He family.

He Yingjie suppressed his anger and sat down. He knew very well about He Ling's methods of controlling the beast. He Ling was captured, indicating that the opponent's method was definitely not simple.

"You have peace of mind first. I will go to the place called Lion Valley. If I have the opportunity, I will rescue He Ling first." He Yingjie said.

"Patriarch, it is too dangerous for you to go alone." The old man said hurriedly.

"I didn't go to fight, just to find out the situation. If something goes wrong, I will leave immediately." He Yingjie said beyond doubt.

"Be careful, that owner."

He Yingjie nodded, then left He's house and came towards Lion Valley.

He Yingjie didn't swagger into Lion Valley, but avoided the patrol disciples of Killing God Village, carefully inspecting the situation in Lion Valley, and soon, he was able to understand the situation in Lion Valley.

There are five spirit beasts in Lion Valley that have reached the unconfused state, which made him feel very surprised, but apart from these five spirit beasts, the other people in Lion Valley are not afraid at all. The He family wants to destroy Lion Valley easily. .

Thinking of this, he was not hiding, but directly exploding his own breath.

Xiao Chen and the others felt this breath for the first time and walked out one after another, and then they saw He Yingjie standing in the middle of the compound.

Other spirit beasts also came to the compound, and He Ling was among them. When he saw He Yingjie, he suddenly lost his voice: "Patriarch He!"

"Patriarch He?" Xiao Chen was startled, and then looked at He Yingjie. Is he the Patriarch of the He Family? I didn't expect that the strongest He family would come so soon, and he would be the strongest of the He family!

"Who is in charge here, come out and speak." He Yingjie glanced around and asked lightly.

"Me!" Xiao Chen just wanted to speak, but he hadn't spoken yet, another voice rang out.

"it's me!"

As the voice fell, a figure fell down, and the person who came was not someone else, it was the fifth elder who had closed the deadlock. At this time, the breath of the fifth elder was a little unstable. After feeling the aura of unconfused state, he hurried out.

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