Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3872: Can't beat him!

"Fifth Elder, you can't be unreasonable!" Xiao Chen cried, how could things turn out to be like this? Is he forcibly accepted?

"It's almost here, if you insist, let me tell you that all my Xuan Yuefeng are beautiful beauties, so you can steal it." said the fifth elder.

While speaking, the outline of a beautiful mountain peak appeared in Xiao Chen's sight. The fifth elders grabbed Xiao Chen and landed directly in a relatively clean courtyard. In the courtyard, there were all kinds of beauties surrounding a small The girl is twittering, it's so lively.

"Girls, this seat is back." The Fifth Elder threw Xiao Chen aside, opened his arms and cheered.

"Peak Master!"

Hearing the voice of the fifth elder, several female disciples looked over, and two of them plunged directly into the arms of the fifth elder.

The five elders held one in one hand, with a smile on his face: "Yes, it's more beautiful, and the body is fuller."

"Peak Master, you are good or bad!" the two female disciples said shyly.

Xiao Chen looked at the Fifth Elder who was enjoying his face, and then at the Fifth Elder's messy hands. There was a sudden chill, and the goose bumps were all up. These five elders seemed gentle, wouldn't they be a bad girl?

"Can't afford to offend, can't afford to offend." Xiao Chen slowly backed away.

"Stop, where do you want to go?" The Fifth Elder looked at Xiao Chen with a smile.

"The fifth elder, the disciple will not disturb you and the tenderness of the beautiful sisters, and the disciple will leave first." Xiao Chen said in a reply.

"Where do you want to leave? This will be the place for you to practice in the future." The Five Elder said.

"Male disciple?" Other female disciples also found Xiao Chen, with a curious look on their faces.

"Shang'er, come here for a while." The fifth elder beckoned to the little girl who had just been surrounded, and this little girl was not someone else, but the fall of the fifth elder who was accepted as a direct disciple.

"Master!" Luo Chang walked over, saluting.

"Shang'er, I found a handyman for your teacher, and you will give him all the dirty work in the future. If he is disobedient, you will beat him severely, as long as you don't beat him to death." Pointing to Xiao Chen.

"Master, the disciple can't beat him." Luo Chang glanced at Xiao Chen, unable to tell the strangeness in his eyes.

"It's okay, you can beat it at ease." The Five Elders said.

"Master, the disciple really can't beat him." Luo Chang was embarrassed.

"Shan'er, as a cultivator, you can't be so kind, otherwise you will suffer a loss in the future, you can use him to exercise your character." The Five Elders said earnestly.

"Master, the disciple really can't beat him."

"Shang'er, you won't be too shy, so embarrass you to start. In this way, you don't treat him as a human being, and treat him as a spirit beast, so you won't have the psychological pressure to beat him." The fifth elder said.

"Master, the disciple really can't beat him." Luo Chang's expression became even more weird.

"Shang'er, you can't do this, you won't be able to beat anyone, so let me give you a demonstration first." The fifth elder squeezed his fingers, then looked at Xiao Chen, and said: "Come here and let me beat You have a meal and set a demonstration for my disciple."

"Master, that's not what the disciple meant. The disciple really couldn't beat him, so there was no way to beat him." Luo Chang said hurriedly.

"What?" The Fifth Elder was startled. She thought Luo Chang was kind or shy and embarrassed to do it, but she never thought it would be the reason.

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