Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3871: Accepted!

"Clone technique!" Xiao Chen separated eight avatars in a row, and the nine avatars formed a circle back to back, and each Xiao Chen avatar had a long sword in his hand.

"Guiyue Sword Technique!" Xiao Chen whispered, and the nine people cut out at the same time, and the nine waning moon sword lights, combined into a circle, directly shot all the nine people out of the field.

"Guiyue swordsmanship, he has even cultivated the Guiyue swordsmanship, this kid, who is it?" The eyes of the Fifth Elder flashed with surprise.

"It turned out to be Guiyue swordsmanship, Fifth Elder, your apprentice is really amazing. Even in the inner sect, very few disciples can acquire two stunts at the same time." Several outer deacon elders complimented.

"That's natural, otherwise, how could I accept him as a registered disciple." The fifth elder smiled, and then said: "The situation on the court is already very clear, and my disciple won."

"This is natural."

The fifth elder nodded, then jumped onto the ring, looked at the nine disciples who had fallen off the ring, and said lightly: "If you fell out of the ring, it means you have lost. This time the Outer Disciple Competition, he is Chief, do you have any comments?"

The nine disciples looked at each other, then shook their heads.

The fifth elder nodded and stretched out his hand, Crescent Moon has appeared in his hand, and handed it to Xiao Chen: "Since you have obtained the leader, this Crescent Moon is yours."

"Thank you Fifth Elder." Xiao Chen took Crescent and finally got it, and things went smoother than he thought.

"I once said that as long as you can get the leader, I can give you a surprise. Now I ask you, do you want to come to my Xuan Yuefeng to practice?" The fifth elder asked with a smile.

"I don't want to." Xiao Chen refused without thinking.

"What!" The Fifth Elder was stunned. Obviously he did not expect that Xiao Chen would refuse so simply. After all, this was the Fifth Elder who personally invited her.

"The five elders, the test is over, the disciples left first if nothing happened." Xiao Chen arched his hands and turned around to leave, but at this moment, the five elders behind him suddenly moved and grabbed Xiao Chen's back. The leader lifted Xiao Chen up and volleyed away.

The deacon and elders of the outer door looked at each other, and then gave a bitter smile. The other disciples may not know, but they, old people, know that although the fifth elders are gentle and look good with smiles, they acted extremely hard and violent.

The five elders are gone, but the ranking battle is going to continue. It seems that only they are presided over.

"Fifth Elder, what are you going to do?" Xiao Chen felt humiliated and couldn't help asking.

"From today, you are my Xuanyuefeng disciple, you should call me the Peak Master." The Five Elder said.

"But the fifth elder, I am a man." Xiao Chen said.

"I know, Xuan Yuefeng is the place that you male disciples admire most, and the place you want to go the most. Now that you have become the only male disciple of Xuan Yuefeng, are you about to cry if you are happy?" The fifth elder laughed. Hehe said.

"Happy shit." Xiao Chen had an **** in his heart, wondering if he should say it.

"The fifth elder, the disciple is just an outside disciple, and he is not qualified to go to Xuan Yuefeng. The fifth elder should put the disciple down." Xiao Chen begged for mercy.

"I accepted a direct disciple a few months ago, so you can be a handyman for her." The Fifth Elder didn't care about it and just said his own words.

"Fifth Elder, you are buying and selling."

"But I advise you not to hit the attention of my direct disciple. Although my disciple's cultivation level is not too high, but his strength is very strong, if he provokes her, he might be beaten up and unable to take care of himself."

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