Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3846: Stand still and let you fight!

On the ring, two rays of light appeared in the Destiny Ball in Guifu's hands, falling on the two of them, and then the two began to compete.

In order to speed up the speed, several arenas are carried out at the same time, but since most of them are at the peak of the Solar Realm, the fights are not even close, and it is difficult to tell the winner for a while.

The fire in the hall was in full swing.

After the pair of challengers were divided, the destiny ball in Guifu's hand moved again, as if it were controlled by a pair of invisible big hands. The two rays of light fell on Xiao Chen and Northern Killing Emperor respectively, and the whole hall was quiet. Coming down, looked at the two in amazement.

The Northern Killing Emperor was also stunned, and then ecstasy flashed in his eyes, and it seemed that fate was also on his side. Among so many people, they had drawn two of them.

"It seems that fate is on my side." Northern Killer looked at Xiao Chen with a smile.

Xiao Chen smiled, didn't mind, just glanced at Gui Fu, is it really fate? But it doesn't matter whether it is fate or not.

Xiao Chen walked directly onto the ring, then looked down at the northern killer and hooked his finger.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Northern Killing Emperor, and then he jumped directly onto the ring, facing Gui Fu above the ring, and arched his hands: "This senior sister, there is no eye with swords and guns. If you accidentally injured the other's life, I don't know if there is punishment?"

"If you lose your life unfortunately, you can only blame yourself for being inferior to humans." Guifu said blankly.

"Thank you, Senior Sister, for your confusion." The Northern Killer arched his hands, then looked at Xiao Chen, and said lightly: "You have heard it too. If you are afraid, you should give up as soon as possible."

"Let's make a bet." Xiao Chen smiled.

"Oh, what do you want to bet on?" Northern Killer looked at Xiao Chen with some curiosity.

"I'll stand still and let you fight. If you can kill me, then I'm unlucky. If you can't kill me, then you can mix with me, how about?" Xiao Chen laughed.

"Stand still and let me fight?" Northern Slaughter's face was a little gloomy, isn't this looking down on him? Deceive people too much.

"Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you, I will take this bet."

"Come on then." Xiao Chen said.

"Go and die." The Northern Killing Emperor did not hesitate, a little bit, he had come to Xiao Chen, and slapped Xiao Chen on the chest.


There was a loud noise, shaking the earth.

"Go on." Xiao Chen said lightly.

The Northern Killing Emperor's complexion condensed, and the other strong men also changed their complexions. After taking the North Killing Emperor's palm, the Killing God had nothing to do, and even his complexion did not change at all.

"Sure enough, there are two things, no wonder you dared to make a bet with me." Northern Killing Emperor said solemnly, his voice fell, his breath exploded, his palm turned into a fist, and he hit Xiao Chen's chest fiercely.

The strong fluctuations, even if the ring is a bit shaken, many strong men are shocked, worthy of killing the emperor in the north, if this punch hits himself, I am afraid that he will not die or be disabled.

Then they looked at Xiao Chen, and they were stunned. Xiao Chen didn't even move at all, even his feet didn't move a bit.

"Continue!" Xiao Chen said.

"How is this possible, he has nothing to do, this defense..."

"Damn, I'm not convinced by Zhu Dachang, obviously I am the one who claims to be the strongest defense." Zhu Dachang cried frantically.

"Just accept your fate, he is not comparable to you." Luo Jun said lightly.

"Oh, I just want to know how big the gap is between me and him." Zhu Dachang sighed.

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