Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3845: Destiny Ball!

"He is the Lord of the Village of Killing God, killing God? A pseudo-solar state?"

"How is it possible?" Everyone's faces were full of doubts. With so many powerful men and geniuses gathered in the Killing God Village, how could it be possible that the owner of the village was only in the pseudo-solar state.

Xiao Chen glanced at the people, Qianmei Yilian, Luo Chang, Luo Jun, Lan Ermei, Zhu Dachang, Twelve Killing Attendants, Eastern God Emperor, Four Great Guards, and others, all passed the trial.

"You are the master of Killing God Village, Killing God?" At this moment, Northern Killer came over and looked up and down Xiao Chen.

"Who are you?" Xiao Chen looked to the north to kill the emperor.

"Kill the emperor." The northern killer said lightly.

"Oh, you are the Northern Killing Emperor?" Xiao Chen said lightly: "North Killing Emperor, Eastern God Emperor, Southern Ghost Emperor, Western Evil Emperor, Chinese Fang Yu Emperor, Five Emperors, Southern Ghost Emperor, Western Evil Emperor, Zhong Fang Yu The emperor disappeared for no reason. Now only you and the Eastern God Emperor are left. The Eastern God Emperor has already taken refuge in me, do you want to take refuge in me too?"

Lu Feiyu, the evil emperor, the ghost emperor, the avatar of the **** of war Xiao Chen, and others are no longer in the spirit grass continent. They disappeared abruptly. No one knew whether they left by themselves or were forced to leave.

However, Xiao Chen probably had an idea in his mind. The woman next to Lu Feiyu, that is, his senior sister, was Su Ke. They were probably brought to the Primitive World by Xiao Chen in black.

The Northern Killing Emperor's face sank slightly, then the corners of his mouth raised, and he laughed slightly, "I have long heard that the Killing God is very strong. I thought I had something to pass the sky. I look at it now. It's nothing but a trivial matter. Pseudo-solar state."

Hearing the voice of killing the emperor in the north, many strong men showed more or less mockery on their faces.

"Oh." Xiao Chen said faintly, already ignoring the killing of the emperor, then looked at Gui Fu next to him, and said: "Senior Gui Fu, how is the trial situation?"

"It's almost there." Gui Fu said lightly.

"There seems to be more than a hundred people here," Xiao Chen said.

"This is easy to say." A round ball appeared again in Guifu's hand and said lightly: "Luck is also a part of strength. It is called the ball of fate. It will choose two people to fight among everyone. The winner stays and the loser is eliminated. Until a hundred people remain."

"The people are almost there, so let’s start now. There are a total of 128 people here, so we need to eliminate 28 people. Don’t say that I didn’t give you a chance. All of you will fight. If you lose the first time, If you are lucky, there may be another chance to fight."

Guifu said indifferently, and then a square-shaped treasure appeared in his hand, which looked like a Rubik's Cube. When Gui Fu raised his hand, the Rubik's Cube instantly enlarged and transformed into a huge hall, and there were several arenas in the hall.

The crowd appeared directly in the hall, looking at the luxurious hall, they were shocked, as expected from the primitive world, the refining technique was simply outrageous.

Xiao Chen was also secretly surprised, but the system also had similar magical weapons, so there was not much shock, but at this moment, he felt a killing intent. Xiao Chen looked at him and found that the Northern Killing Emperor looked at him gloomily. .

Seeing that Xiao Chen looked over, the Northern Killing Emperor made a wiping movement. Xiao Chen had just ignored him completely and had already angered him.

Xiao Chen turned his head in an instant, and directly ignored the killing of the emperor, and immediately made the killing of the emperor angry, "Really looking for death!"

Xiao Chen naturally wouldn't put the killing emperor in his eyes. After he had trained the Haoyue Liuli divine body, even if he stood still, the killing emperor could not kill him.

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