Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3837: The old man wants to help!

The nine-cut sword appeared in his hand, blocking the attack of the four puppets. Xiao Chen thought slightly. The four puppets appeared according to his cultivation level, but their specific strength is not only in the pseudo-solar state, I am afraid each one. , Have reached the strength of the early stage of the Solar Realm.

With Xiao Chen's strength, solving these four puppets was a matter of free hand, but he did not solve them immediately, but curiously appeared in his eyes.

"If I'm not mistaken, the swordsmanship used by these four puppets is not simple, and the four puppets can even use a combined fencing array, which is really interesting."

"This set of sword techniques is really not simple. The sword technique is called Guiyue Sword Technique, and the sword formation is called Guiyue Sword Formation. Although it is incomplete, its power is extraordinary. Even in the primitive world, it is considered a good sword formation. "Gan Lao said lightly.

And just as the old man explained, the four puppets simultaneously shot a crescent moon sword light, and the four crescent moon sword light completely sealed off Xiao Chen's surroundings, forming a full moon, and then slashed on Xiao Chen.

Of course, Xiao Chen didn't have anything to do, but his eyes lit up, and said, "You said it is incomplete, then you give me a complete one."

"I don't want to give it."

"Why?" Xiao Chen was startled.

"The old man finds that your kid is becoming less and less polite, and your words are less and less respectful of the old man." Gan Lao said lightly.

Xiao Chen was startled, why didn't he know that this old man still has an arrogant side, he suddenly laughed dumbfounded and said: "Fuck old man, whoever gives it to each other, those are all friends, don't care about these details."

"Who is your friend?" Gan Lao snorted coldly.

"Okay, no, it's old, just say it straight, what do you want to do?" Xiao Chen asked.

"The old man hasn't had a woman for a long time, you find a body for the old man, you are looking for a woman." Gan Lao said suddenly.

"Puff!" Xiao Chen spewed out a mouthful of old blood.

"You only have a remnant soul, still thinking about women? Old man, are you sure you are fine?"

"The old man wants a woman, otherwise the old man will shut down the crazy upgrade system, and the old man will strike." The old man ignored him.

"Old man, just say it if you have something to say, no need to go around. Although we have partnered for a long time, I will do my best if we can do it." Xiao Chen said, he would not be naive to think that he really wanted to find a woman.

"Before he died, the old man had an old friend. The old man felt her faint breath in this tower. The old man hopes you can go and see the situation."

Gan Lao said with some embarrassment. If you look closely, you can find that the old face is a bit flushed.

"How is the old friend?" Xiao Chen was a little surprised. This old guy had been around for a long time, just wanting to help him find his old friend.

"You just said to help or not?" The old man.

"Help, but how am I going to find the familiar breath you said?" Xiao Chen quickly agreed.

"According to the old man's analysis, there are two paths for this trial tower, one is based on strength, and the other is talent."

Gan Lao meditated for a moment and said: "It is very simple to fight by strength, that is, directly defeat these four puppets, and the other is to comprehend the Guiyue sword formation and use the sword formation to defeat the puppets."

"If the old man didn't perceive it wrong, the familiar breath is on the second path."

"Using the Guiyue Sword Array to defeat these four puppets, I understand." Xiao Chen said lightly, and then directly separated three clones.

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