Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3836: Kill the emperor in the north!

The trial tower is located in the center of Lingcao Continent.

Strong people constantly break into the trial tower and conduct trials.

At this time, behind the three people in the Primordial Realm, there were already more than a dozen strong men with arrogant faces. They successfully passed the trial tower, and without exception, they were all at the pinnacle of the Solar Realm.

In the direction of the trial tower, a figure suddenly fell down. It was a young man dressed in black but with white hair. After seeing the white-haired youth appearing in front of the trial tower, those strong men who were about to rush to the trial tower The person stopped suddenly and did not dare to step forward.

"Kill the emperor in the north!" The strong man behind the woman exclaimed.

"Kill the emperor in the north!" After hearing the exclamation, the three women looked at the white-haired youth. Although they did not deliberately inquire, they still knew the five emperors on the mainland and they could stand out among the many powerful ones. Strength or means are among the best, they need such a genius.

However, due to the appearance of the Northern Killing Emperor, no strong man dared to rush to the trial tower. After all, no one is willing to face the enemy with the Northern Killing Emperor. Confronting the Northern Killing Emperor means that they will be eliminated, and more importantly, The Northern Killing Emperor was very slaughter, and there was only a dead end when confronting him, and they didn't want to die.

The woman frowned slightly, and then faintly said: "The trial tower requires eight people to open it. If no one takes the initiative to participate in the trial, you can only rely on your luck. Good luck to everyone."

As the woman's voice fell, a sphere appeared in her hand, and seven rays of light suddenly appeared on the sphere, rushing to various parts of the mainland, and shrouded in several strong men.

The strong selected by the light suddenly felt like a concubine, and some even let out a desperate cry.

Everyone also heard the woman's voice in Killing God Village. At this moment, a light suddenly rushed towards Killing God Village and directly enveloped Xiao Chen who was standing in the front.

Xiao Chen looked at the light on his body with a bit of astonishment. The Eastern God Emperor and other powerhouses were also astonished, and then various complex colors appeared on their faces.

"Is it bad luck to kill the emperor? I even met you." The Eastern God Emperor looked at Xiao Chen and said with some gloat. The object of his gloat is naturally not Xiao Chen, but the emperor.

Killing God meets Killing Emperor, this is interesting.

"Come on, Lord!"

"I will go there," Xiao Chen said, the voice fell, and the light had already been pulled under the trial tower.

"It's really sad that I met the Emperor Killer, a group of poor bugs."

"It's a pity that there is still a pinnacle of the Sun Glory Stage."

"Huh? There is also a pseudo-solar state, if he can meet the killer, even if he is dead, it is worth it."

There are strong people who are gloating for misfortune, and their pitying eyes look at the pinnacle of the solar state and Xiao Chen, the pseudo-solar state.

"Luck is also part of strength." At this moment, the woman's faint voice came.

Hearing that, everyone stopped talking, but looked at the pinnacle of the solar radiance with pity. If you meet other people, you might still win, but unfortunately when you meet the Emperor, you can only blame yourself for bad luck.

The gate of the trial tower opened slowly, and the killer jumped in. The other seven people passively entered the trial tower under the impetus of the light, and then the gate of the trial tower slowly closed.

Xiao Chen entered the wide hall and then looked around. At this moment, four puppets holding long swords suddenly appeared in the four directions of the hall, southeast, northwest.

The four puppets are all pseudo-solar level cultivation bases, and after appearing, they attacked Xiao Chen.

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